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More mysql large table statistics slow related news:
MySQL solution: Speed up pattern searches starting with a wildchar (like ‘%abc%’) 30 Jul 2010 | 09:04 pm
Searches on MySQL with expression like ” … like ‘%abc%’” can be incredibly slow on large tables. The problem is, MySQL can not use indices for expression starting with a wildcard “%”. Neither MySQL ...
List your MySQL Tables According to Size or Row Count 22 Feb 2013 | 10:07 pm
If you’ve ever been debugging a large Multisite installation that’s having MySQL memory issues you know how maddening it can be. Sometimes you can turn on slow logging and find the source of the issue...
MySQL InnoDB slow inserts 27 Aug 2013 | 08:26 pm
I'm currently struggling with an MySQL Community Server 5.5.27 when inserting large numbers of rows into a table. We're running a 24 core Intel Xeon machine with an SSD software raid array. I did some...