Most mysql real escape string related news are at:

Mobile Phone Systems: A Short Evaluation For You 27 Aug 2013 | 04:15 pm
To say, by considerably delving into the technical aspects of every technique, GSM, TDMA, CDMA, NMT, D-AMPS etc are the systems making use of which the mobile phones function and in most case, a mobil...
Recommendations On How To Have Free Domain Name Registration On The Internet 27 Aug 2013 | 04:14 pm
With one of the fastest growing company prices being the internet, knowing how to get free domain name registration on the internet can actually go a long way to make things work a little more efficie...
More mysql real escape string related news:
Blog: How can search escaped string from a table in mysql from active questions tagged mysql - Stack Overflow in the group MySql Coders 23 Apr 2013 | 12:31 pm
My problem is while insertion I'm using addslashes() function then the string is inserted as kadavath's , but at time of select I'm using LIKE operator at that […] Comments: 0
利用 python update 資料庫欄位,跳脫字元的方式 (escape string) 2 Jan 2013 | 08:40 pm
在 python 中,用 Mysqldb module 結果在 stackoverflow 一個討論串中有個很讚的做法: What is the best escape character strategy for Python/MySQL combo? row[1] 指的是 column name row[3] 指的是要 insert 的 data row[0] 指的是 where 條...