Most mysql update table related news are at:

Restaurant Biller 2.0 Released (Restaurant Online Ordering application) 20 Oct 2010 | 12:57 am
Restaurant Biller 2.0 has been released and has moved out of beta, this new release includes features not seen in any online ordering application available on the market. With the help of existing cli...
Redirect mobile users to a mobile friendly page with php 26 Jun 2009 | 07:11 am
After allot of trial and error I ended up coming up with some code that will redirect users to a mobile friendly page, this method won’t really be useful in about 5 years because modern browsers like ...
More mysql update table related news:
Mysql : UPDATE ne marche pas chez moi 5 Aug 2009 | 02:37 am
A force de perdre des jours et des jours à faire fonctionner la commande UPDATE, je suis stressée chaque fois que je dois mettre à jour une table mysql. Je vous rassure, le titre est juste destiné à ...
MySQL – CREATE TABLE examples 12 Aug 2011 | 08:38 am
A very basic CREATE TABLE statement which should work in any SQL database:
centos中mysql重置密码 10 Feb 2010 | 05:26 pm
mysql YUM 安装路径rpm -ql mysql (usr/bin) 方法: # /etc/init.d/mysqld stop # mysqld_safe --user=mysql --skip-grant-tables --skip-networking & # mysql -u root mysql mysql> UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWO...
MySqlHelper VB.NET class – easly execute commands against a MySQL database 22 Mar 2012 | 04:39 am
Hi all, with the following free .net helper class you can easly execute SQL commands against a MySQL database, execute stored procedures, get or programmatically update tables/DataSet objects and conv...
Insert into multiple MySQL tables with one-to-one relationship 21 Jun 2011 | 06:14 am
I have been asked if there is a way to insert data into two MyISAM tables that connected by a one-to-one relationship in one MySQL query. For example: mysql> CREATE TABLE `user` ( `id` int(10) unsigne...
Linux下mysql数据库远程访问设置方法 15 May 2012 | 05:12 pm
1、修改localhost 更改 “mysql” 数据库里的 “user” 表里的 “host” 项,从”localhost”改成”%” mysql>use mysql; mysql>update user set host = ‘%’ where user = ‘root’; mysql>select host, user from user; mysql>FLUSH PRIVILEG... was completed 12 Sep 2011 | 05:56 pm
We completed Following technologies were used. PHP MySQL AJAX Table less design CakePHP framework URL:
MySQL – Update mittels JOIN 16 Jul 2010 | 08:07 am
Nicht selten ist es beim Aktualisieren von Datensätzen notwendig, die Bedingung für in Frage kommende Datensätze bei der Update-Anweisung einzufügen. Wer keine Kenntnis darüber besitzt, wird eine zwei...
MySQL : Altering Huge Tables 7 Dec 2010 | 11:31 pm
You have a huge mysql table - maybe 100 GB. And you need to run alter on it - to either add an index, drop an index, add a column or drop a column. If you run the simple mysql "alter table" command, y...
MySQL: Moving table from one db to another 14 Dec 2009 | 12:42 am
To move one table from one db to another, you can create new table (create table foo_new like foo) in db where you want to move table and then copy data with insert into/select query. However there is...