Most nadal federer related news are at:

Question du jour : Roger Federer doit-il changer de raquette ? 16 Jul 2013 | 12:40 am
Après sa défaite à Wimbledon d’illustres commentateurs ont conseillé au Maestro de changer de raquette… On apprend souvent de ses défaites. Y compris le king Federer. Du moins je le crois. Federer do...
ATP Tennis : Le calvaire de Karlovic et sa méningite virale 11 Jul 2013 | 08:18 pm
le géant Croate est de retour sur les courts à Newport après avoir craint ne jamais rejouer au tennis. Ivo Karlovic n’est pas le joueur le plus populaire ni excitant à voir jouer sur un court de tenn...
More nadal federer related news:
Parier Nadal Federer 4 May 2013 | 01:26 am
C'est une affiche de légende que nous a réservé cette édition 2011 de Roland Garros. Les Internationaux de France ne pouvaient pas mieux se terminer que sur une finale entre les deux grands rivaux Raf...
US Open Monday Preview - Nadal, Federer Headline First Round Action 26 Aug 2013 | 08:08 am
There are 22 singles matches on opening day with seven Spaniards leading the way. The hottest player in the world, 2010 US Open champion Rafael Nadal, who is undefeated on hard courts this year (15-0)...
US Open Monday Preview - Nadal, Federer Headline First Round Action 26 Aug 2013 | 08:08 am
There are 22 singles matches on opening day with seven Spaniards leading the way. The hottest player in the world, 2010 US Open champion Rafael Nadal, who is undefeated on hard courts this year (15-0)...
US Open Monday Preview - Nadal, Federer Headline First Round Action 26 Aug 2013 | 08:08 am
There are 22 singles matches on opening day with seven Spaniards leading the way. The hottest player in the world, 2010 US Open champion Rafael Nadal, who is undefeated on hard courts this year (15-0)...
Ganó Nadal; Federer, el martes 27 Aug 2013 | 06:04 pm
NUEVA YORK — Se levantó el telón en la jungla de cemento de Flushing Meadows y ya debutó con una victoria el español Rafael Nadal, Nº2 del mundo, sobre el local Ryan Harrison. También ganaron su compa...
Tennis, Us Open: vince Nadal, Federer stop per pioggia 27 Aug 2013 | 11:47 am
Rafa Nadal, sempre più in forma dopo il rientro New York – Si è conclusa nella prima mattinata di oggi, quando a New York era da poco passata la mezzanotte, la prima giornata di gare dello Us Open Ch...
Classifica ATP : Novak Djokovic n°1, segue Rafael Nadal, Federer esce dai primi 5 dopo 11 anni 20 Aug 2013 | 09:17 pm
Novak Djokovic sempre al n°1, ma Rafael Nadal, che non ha punti da difendere fino al febbraio 2014 si fa sotto e si riprende la seconda posizione mondiale.
US Open Monday Preview - Nadal, Federer Headline First Round Action 26 Aug 2013 | 08:08 am
There are 22 singles matches on opening day with seven Spaniards leading the way. The hottest player in the world, 2010 US Open champion Rafael Nadal, who is undefeated on hard courts this year (15-0)...
US Open Monday Preview - Nadal, Federer Headline First Round Action 26 Aug 2013 | 08:08 am
There are 22 singles matches on opening day with seven Spaniards leading the way. The hottest player in the world, 2010 US Open champion Rafael Nadal, who is undefeated on hard courts this year (15-0)...
Serena, Nadal, Federer launch US Open title bids 26 Aug 2013 | 07:47 am
Top-seeded Serena Williams starts defending her US Open crown on Monday while Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer join her in Arthur Ashe Stadium