Most name change second life related news are at:

Blog changes ahead! (this blog is closed, use instead) 29 Nov 2007 | 01:05 am
This blog is being closed! Use instead! As you might have noticed I am trying to concentrate my blogs based on thoughts expressed here. The main blog address now is http://mrto...
Call for participation: Web Monday, Aachen Euregio, Dec 3rd 2007 23 Nov 2007 | 11:47 am
On December 3rd we will be organizing again a Web Monday here in Aachen. We call it Web Monday Euregio because we would also like people from the surrounding countries (Netherlands and Belgium) to att...
More name change second life related news:
Miracle On Demand 1 May 2012 | 08:16 pm
Product Name: Miracle On Demand Get Your Hands On The Ultimate Guide To Improve Your Life Through Positive Thinking. Witness It’s Magic That Could Change Your Life Forever Discover How Ordinary Peop...
Re: Need help finding the Illustration that changed my life (1st Art Talk attempt) 25 Aug 2010 | 05:47 pm
Wait a second here.... has a year really passed since anyone touched this topic?? Well, it looks like I'm going to have to open it up again. Not sure where I left off, but I have moved to Japan a...
Because of Teddy.... 21 Aug 2010 | 03:37 am
ALR Family and Friends, In February of 2001, I did something that changed my life and possibly many of yours as well. I rescued a golden retriever that I named Teddy. For months I attended adoptions...
Ben's a Big Brother! 15 Feb 2008 | 05:17 pm
On January 29th, 2008 - We learned about the newest member of our family - Liam Hai. Ben knows he has a brother named Liam that lives in Vietnam but he has no idea how that will change his life. Ben's...
46 Seconds Of Steve Jobs That Will Change Your Life 4 Dec 2011 | 09:23 pm
A short segment of a video of Steve Jobs that will leave you inspired, and highly possibly, change the perspective you have of life. You just got to watch this.
Kate’s Monthly 21 Jun 2011 | 06:12 am
This month I want to talk about a new skin from Belleza called Aiko. The name and description clearly intend this skin to portray an Asian female. I find this novel, unusual marketing for Second Life....
Eco-friendly inspirational jewelry that can change your life 23 Dec 2007 | 06:11 am
5 Essential Tips to Transforming Your Life Email Series Sign up here, and as a bonus, you will be automatically entered to WIN the GIFT of the MONTH! First Name Email * Eco-friendly Jewelry tha...
Kelly Carson - Mainstream Model Goes XXX! 13 Aug 2007 | 06:41 pm
No more sweet teen! Our nineteen year old Brazilian model is at it again and this time, she's taking names! After getting a taste of what a real man can do to her, she changes her life in remarkable w...
Easy Peasy Tip: Remake It 22 Jan 2012 | 12:00 am
Sometimes by changing something small, we can get a second life out of things we already own: Love the pendant but hate the necklace? Buy new cord and restring it… Love the yarn but hate the sweate...
How Google Sniper Changed My life 1 Feb 2010 | 03:17 am
Hi! My name is David Ekenroos! I want to tell you all about a dark story from tru life with an happy ending when I discovered affiliate marketing with GOOGLE SNIPER. I was working in a major compa...