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I believe in Renewable Energy, and here's why 5 May 2011 | 11:08 am
Renewable energy (RE) is a subjective and divisive topic, one that is influenced by many factors, including corruption, greed and purposeful ignorance, scientific and technological advances, and simpl...
Carla wants to know 21 Oct 2010 | 01:21 pm
In response to a question posed by one of my oldest and most perceptive friends, I posted what follows to my Facebook profile. Her question was posed after watching this video
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Интервью c Управляющим Директором ZeekRewards 3 Apr 2012 | 05:05 am
Дон Райт Оливарес (Dawn Wright Olivares) является Управляющим Директором ZeekRewards и Zeekler, подразделений компании Red Venture Group LLC. Компания ворвалась на рынок в 2011 и очень быстро стала ли... 2 Feb 2012 | 01:58 am
О компании. ZeekRewards - это дочерняя компания "Rex Ventures GROUP LLC", которая имеет 14 -летнюю историю в бизнесе. Всё началось в июне 1997 года с запуска виртуального универмага FSC (Free Stone Cl...
Affiliate Venture Group 9 Sep 2009 | 01:40 pm
Visit original: Affiliate Venture Group AffiliateVentureGroup is located in downtown Richmond, VA. The company is comprised of a team of experienced and long term, online marketing pros. They claim t...
AdReady Secures Funding, Re-signs Key Customers 21 Jun 2012 | 01:43 am
Seattle, WA – June 20, 2012 – AdReady, the leading turnkey platform for managing digital display advertising, today announced that it has secured $500K in a funding round led by Madrona Venture Group....
AdReady Secures Funding, Re-signs Key Customers 21 Jun 2012 | 01:43 am
Seattle, WA – June 20, 2012 – AdReady, the leading turnkey platform for managing digital display advertising, today announced that it has secured $500K in a funding round led by Madrona Venture Group....
Fanning the Flames 4 Aug 2012 | 07:46 pm
Rex Venture Group, LLC, discovered an internal memo circulating in the North Carolina Credit Unions that was at once unfavorable to Zeek Rewards and false. Unfortunately, not only was it being circul...
Rex Venture Group,, and Shut Down by SEC 19 Aug 2012 | 01:21 am
Two days ago, reports began flooding in to PennyBurners about Rex Venture Group, the parent company of and If you've been involved with the entertainment auction community...
ZeekRewards Review 20 Aug 2012 | 08:28 pm
Zeek Rewards is being owned by Rex Venture Group LLC which is around for over 14 years and are based out of Lexington, North Carolina, USA. Zeek Rewards is a retail profit pool. At the end of the day ...
Rex Venture Group, LLC, обнаружил внутренний документ (докладная записка), циркулирующий в North Carolina Credit Unions 7 Aug 2012 | 09:21 am
Rex Venture Group, LLC, обнаружил внутренний документ (докладная записка), циркулирующий в North Carolina Credit Unions , который однозначно был фальшивым и неблагожелательным для Zeek Rewards. К...
Tech venture group forms 26 Aug 2013 | 11:27 pm
The CEO of Serendipity Labs, the shared office space startup in Rye, will host a monthly tech meetup group starting in September. John P. Arenas said his Westfair Tech Ventures will offer support, re...