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– Maize n Brew, a Michigan Wolverines community
There Are Dreisbach to Hayes Days to Michigan Football 27 Aug 2013 | 06:48 am
18 years ago today, Scott Dreisbach threw a touchdown to Mercury Hayes in the corner of the endzone I happened to be sitting in. So many white shirts in Michigan Stadium, but what a game.
2013 Captains for Michigan Football 27 Aug 2013 | 04:05 am
The QB is generally the leader of the football team. Names like Tom Brady and Peyton Manning speak for themselves. For the Michigan Wolverines 2013 squad, the team captains come from a road less trave...
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Hitler Reacts To Mark Wahlberg Being Cast Instead Of Nathan Fillion. Uncharted Movie 12 Nov 2011 | 07:34 pm
Hitler finds out Mark Wahlberg has been cast as Nathan Drake in the upcoming Uncharted Movie, Instead of fan favourite Nathan Fillion Video Rating: 4 / 5