Most national social studies standards related news are at:

2013 NCSS Board of Directors Election Results 22 Mar 2013 | 10:14 pm
Kim O'Neil from Liverpool, New York has been elected vice-president of National Council for the Social Studies and is line to assume the NCSS presidency 2015-2016. Kim is currently serving her second ...
Apply to Serve on an NCSS Awards Selection Committee 11 Mar 2013 | 11:19 pm
NCSS is looking for members to serve on awards selection committees. The selection committees review nominations and select recipients of NCSS awards and grants. Committee members serve a three-year t...
More national social studies standards related news:
National Social Study Framework; Teacher Prep; Using Data to Support Teachers 18 May 2013 | 05:05 pm
I’m catching up on sharing a few things I’ve helped produce recently: First, I wrote a piece for the Shanker Blog this week: Proposed National Civics Framework Shows Great Promise. Please take the t...
Gotham Schools Covers Insightful Social Studies 8 Mar 2013 | 07:32 am
City teachers are waging a campaign against the state’s proposed high school social studies standards, before a Friday deadline to give feedback. On Tuesday, Harvest Collegiate High School history te...
International Summer school “Political Communication & Electoral Behaviour” – The Call is now OPEN! 19 Apr 2012 | 09:26 pm
The Department of Social & Political Studies of the University of Milan, Italy, in collaboration with Itanes (Italian National Election Studies) and ComPol (Italian Association of Political Communicat...
Jobs in Kuwait: Teachers in Unversal American School 28 Aug 2009 | 03:56 am
THE UNIVERSAL AMERICAN SCHOOL OPENINGS FOR ONLY WESTERN NATIONALITY (High School Department) 1. Physical Education/ Health Teacher 2. Social Studies Teacher QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor or Master Deg...
City Instructs Schools to Expand Common Core Introduction 26 May 2012 | 09:32 am
“Science and social studies classes could look a little different next year as all New York City schools gradually adapt to a new set of curriculum standards. The standards, called the Common Core, a...
Draft Framework for State Standards in Social Studies to be released at conference 4 Oct 2012 | 06:45 am
A consortium of 22 states in cooperation with 15 professional organizations as well as teachers, scholars, researchers, policy makers, and state department of education leadership have worked collabor...
2013 NCSS Board of Directors Election Results 22 Mar 2013 | 10:14 pm
Kim O'Neil from Liverpool, New York has been elected vice-president of National Council for the Social Studies and is line to assume the NCSS presidency 2015-2016. Kim is currently serving her second ...
Subject: URGENT – Funding for Social Studies — Civic Learning & History 7 Apr 2013 | 11:49 pm
This from our friends at the National Council for Social Studies. Please take a moment to read and act! It is critical that we raise every voice to ensure that critical funding is available for our sc...
Common Core & TCI: A Toolkit to Reading Readiness 20 Jun 2013 | 07:00 pm
College and career readiness plays a prominent role in the Common Core standards. Examine the ELA Anchor Standards Grades 6-12 (p. 57 of pdf). How can the content areas, such as social studies, sup...
Metadata Technology Collaborating with NORC, ICPSR, and Partners on Improving Researchers Access to GSS and ANES Surveys 23 Oct 2012 | 01:56 pm
Metadata Technology North America to provide technical support for the capture of new metadata and development of web portal for the General Social Survey (GSS) and American National Election Studies ...