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How To Get Good Pictures - The Rule of Thirds 21 Apr 2010 | 08:15 pm
One of the most popular 'rules' in photography is the Rule of Thirds. It is also popular amongst artists. The Rule of Thirds is based on the fact that the human eye is naturally drawn to a point... [...
How To Get Good Pictures - The Rule of Thirds 21 Apr 2010 | 04:15 pm
One of the most popular 'rules' in photography is the Rule of Thirds. It is also popular amongst artists. The Rule of Thirds is based on the fact that the human eye is naturally drawn to a point... [...
Joys of Springtime Photography 27 Jan 2013 | 07:08 pm
Spring is not only the time of nature’s rebirth; it is the season that sees, in many, a renewal of spirit, a reawakening of enthusiasm and a reopening of the slumbering artistic eye. Springtime means ...
Street photography with Google Glass feels natural 21 Aug 2013 | 07:45 pm
It is jaw-dropping as a photographer to walk out with a wearable camera that’s almost physically and literally attached to your eye. Believe it or not, it’s just like wearing a pair of sunglasses, and...
Rural Life by aamora member D.Kelly 1 Jul 2013 | 08:34 pm
Through Landscape photography I get to express my feelings for the locations I visit and the beauty of nature that I experience in rural upstate NY. Extending what my eye saw in the moment I take the...