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Open is a state of mind 10 Jul 2013 | 06:16 pm
English: William Henry Fox Talbot’s ‘The Open Door’ (Photo credit: Wikipedia) “Open source” is not a verb Nathan Yergler via John Wilbanks I often return to the question of what “Open” means and wh...
Guest Post – The Open Access Button 6 Jul 2013 | 03:01 pm
Open Access logo designed by the Public Library of Science (Photo credit: Wikipedia) This is a guest post from Joseph McArthur and David Carroll. They have an idea and they’re looking for your help t...
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MRSEC Paper Published in Nature Communications 3 Jul 2012 | 11:36 pm
Prof. Christoph Boehme, along with Prof. John Lupton, students Will Baker, Kapildeb Ambal, David Waters, Rachel Baarda, Hiroki Morishita, Kipp van Schooten, and former alumnus Dane McCamey, have recen...
Cats Wipe Out Billions of Birds 4 Feb 2013 | 01:13 am
Cats Wipe Out Billions of Birds Your pet cat may not be as cute and cuddly as you might think. According to a new study published Tuesday in the journal Nature Communications, domestic cats kill billi...
Físicos estadounidenses crean una 'piel' electrónica supersensible 15 May 2013 | 02:59 pm
Según un artículo publicado en la revista 'Nature Communications', físicos de EE.UU. han creado una piel electrónica de alta sensibilidad al tacto y a las vibraciones que puede ser usada como un senso...
Computer alimentati dalla luce? “Traguardo a portata di mano” 17 Jul 2013 | 08:56 pm
Sviluppare circuiti logici unicamente funzionanti con fotoni: “è un traguardo meno lontano” grazie a un transistor, di cui parla un articolo pubblicato rivista Nature Communications, “già in grado di ...
Fly study finds two new drivers of RNA editing 1 Aug 2013 | 03:13 pm
A new study in Nature Communications finds that RNA editing is not only regulated by sequences and structures near the editing sites but also by ones found much farther away. One newly discovered stru...
Lipsa somnului poate duce la îngrăşare 8 Aug 2013 | 01:04 am
Lipsa somnului poate provoca schimbări în activitatea creierului, determinând unele persoane să mănânce mai mult, potrivit unui studiu publicat marţi în revista ştiinţifică Nature Communications, rela...
石墨烯与金属合成出超强强度的新材料 27 Aug 2013 | 01:25 pm
石墨烯的抗拉强度达到了130 GigaPascals,是铁的200倍。但研究人员试图将石墨烯加入到金属复合材料中的尝试一直未能取得成功。现在,韩国先进科学技术研究院的研究人员宣布他们首次成功在金属铜和镍中结合石墨烯,新复合材料的强度达到了铜的500倍和镍的180倍。这是一项重大突破,研究报告发表在《Nature Communications》上。他们是利用化学气相沉积法在金属沉积基底上生成一层石墨...
石墨烯与金属合成出超强强度的新材料 27 Aug 2013 | 01:25 pm
石墨烯的抗拉强度达到了130 GigaPascals,是铁的200倍。但研究人员试图将石墨烯加入到金属复合材料中的尝试一直未能取得成功。现在,韩国先进科学技术研究院的研究人员宣布他们首次成功在金属铜和镍中结合石墨烯,新复合材料的强度达到了铜的500倍和镍的180倍。这是一项重大突破,研究报告发表在《Nature Communications》上。他们是利用化学气相沉积法在金属沉积基底上生成一层石墨...
石墨烯与金属合成出超强强度的新材料 27 Aug 2013 | 01:25 pm
石墨烯的抗拉强度达到了130 GigaPascals,是铁的200倍。但研究人员试图将石墨烯加入到金属复合材料中的尝试一直未能取得成功。现在,韩国先进科学技术研究院的研究人员宣布他们首次成功在金属铜和镍中结合石墨烯,新复合材料的强度达到了铜的500倍和镍的180倍。这是一项重大突破,研究报告发表在《Nature Communications》上。他们是利用化学气相沉积法在金属沉积基底上生成一层石墨...
Local Orthogonality for Quantum Correlations 16 Aug 2013 | 02:00 am
First intrinsically multipartite principle for quantum correlations introduced in Nature Communications