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Tear Down These Walls 21 Aug 2013 | 06:22 pm
Originally posted on - blogs by NPG staff Buddhini Samarasinghe is a molecular biologist with experience in cancer research. She completed her PhD at the University of Glasgow, UK and then recently c...
Best of blogs, and Scitable: 10 – 16 August 16 Aug 2013 | 03:44 pm
Originally posted on - blogs by NPG staff Camels may be the MERS virus host <a href="/ofschemesandmemes/2013/08/16/best-of-nature-com-blogs-scilogs-com-and-scitable-10-16-august#more-9297" class="mo...
More nature genetics related news:
Gut Cells Being Turned to Insulin Cells in New Type 1 Treatment 14 Mar 2012 | 08:52 am
3/13/12: According to a study done on mice at Columbia University, published by Nature Genetics and summarized by Medical News Today, cells in the intestine of patients with type 1 diabetes could be ...
Mechanisms discovered that are potentially connected to the development of PSP, a severe form of parkinsonism 2 Aug 2011 | 12:41 am
Thousands of patients submitted to DNA analysis and outcome published in Nature Genetics Within the context of an international research project, researchers analyzed the genome (genetic make-up) of...
Le parasite responsable du paludisme 21 Nov 2012 | 10:46 pm
Des chercheurs indiens et américains ont annoncé sur le site de la revue spécialisée Nature Genetics, qu’ils sont arrivés à décrypter le patrimoine héréditaire de Plasmodium vivax. Ce parasite est res...
Kanserin yayılmasını engelleyebilecek buluş 21 Jan 2013 | 05:48 pm
Bilim adamları, insan hücrelerinde ilk kez "dörtlü sarmal" yapıya sahip DNA'ya rastladıklarını açıkladı. "Nature Genetics" dergisinde yayımlanan araştırmaya göre Cambridge Üniversitesi araştırmacıları...
Is this what you want? 29 Jan 2013 | 01:46 am
You are not a machine. Your natural genetic design does not tolerate 2 to 4 hours of travel per day, 8 to 12 hours of slave labor 5 to 6 days per week. For whatever monetary compensation. On 5 to 6...
Color de ojos y melanoma 31 Dec 2012 | 03:36 am
El color de los ojos puede indicar si una persona tiene un mayor riesgo de sufrir ciertas enfermedades de la piel. Esto es lo que afirma un estudio publicado en la revista Nature Genetics. El estudi....
Is this what you want? 29 Jan 2013 | 01:46 am
You are not a machine. Your natural genetic design does not tolerate 2 to 4 hours of travel per day, 8 to 12 hours of slave labor 5 to 6 days per week. For whatever monetary compensation. On 5 to 6...
Ученые нашли две причины шизофрении 27 Aug 2013 | 09:57 am
Американские ученые обнаружили две причины, приводящие к шизофрении. Их исследование опубликовано в престижном научном журнале Nature Genetics Перейти...
New species discovered! 27 Aug 2013 | 07:04 pm
Reblogged from Boudica BPI Weblog: New Species Discovered They are referred to as homoslackass-erectus created by natural genetic downward evolution through constant spineless posturing, and spasmat...
Ученые нашли две причины шизофрении 27 Aug 2013 | 09:57 am
Американские ученые обнаружили две причины, приводящие к шизофрении. Их исследование опубликовано в престижном научном журнале Nature Genetics Перейти...