Most nautilus bulk rename related news are at:

Nautilus-Actions 3.2.2 is out! 8 Mar 2012 | 11:30 am
We are pleased, happy and proud to announce the latest stable release of Nautilus-Actions! What is it ? Nautilus-Actions is a Nautilus extension whose principal function is to allow the user to add ...
We need you ! 26 Oct 2009 | 05:24 am
Yes, you can help Nautilus-Actions. Since 2.30.0 version, Nautilus-Actions let the user freely choose to display or not the toolbars in the Nautilus-Actions Configuration Tool. For now, NACT toolbar...
More nautilus bulk rename related news:
Foto batch resize and rename 30 Dec 2011 | 02:32 pm
Resize Install the Nautilus extension Rename based on EXIF data
Massenänderung von Dateinamen 1 Jul 2007 | 10:15 am
Es gibt einige Tools, die einfach zu bedienen und sehr hilfreich bei der täglichen Arbeit sind. Thunar Bulk-Rename ist ein mächtiges, erweiterbares Werkzeug zum gleichzeitigen Umbenennen vieler Dateie...
强大的文件重命名软件 - Bulk Rename Utility 30 Oct 2009 | 10:23 pm
前几天yupoo抽风了,目前应该已经恢复了,这种严重不靠谱的图片服务商劝大家还是少用点。我在几个月已经成功搬家,还写了篇攻略分享 - 逃离yupoo成功 在上次的文章里,其中有个步骤是用Bulk Rename Utility来重命名。这是一个很关键的步骤,当时单独写篇文章来介绍,后来因为一系列的问题拖了,很抱歉。 Bulk Rename Utility是一个专业的文件重命名工具,非常强大,几乎...
Massenänderung von Dateinamen 1 Jul 2007 | 07:15 am
Es gibt einige Tools, die einfach zu bedienen und sehr hilfreich bei der täglichen Arbeit sind. Thunar Bulk-Rename ist ein mächtiges, erweiterbares Werkzeug zum gleichzeitigen Umbenennen vieler Datei...
Bulk Rename Utility להורדה 14 Jun 2013 | 08:31 pm
קרה לכם פעם שיש לכם 1000 תמונות או כל קובץ אחר ורציתם לשנות את השמות של כל התמונות בכפתור אחד?! זה כבר כאן! אתה יכול לשנות את השמות בצורה סידורית או בכל צורה שאתה רוצה. Bulk Rename Utility - שינוי או...
Bulk Rename Tool come rinominare + file automaticamente 21 Jun 2013 | 09:00 pm
Bulk Rename Tool è un’utility gratuita che si fa carico della gestione della procedura di denominazione automatica di un insieme di file. A chi non è mai capitato di dover rinominare molti files, anch...
Download Batch File Renamer Software For Free 20 Apr 2012 | 06:23 pm
Batch File Renamer is a simple tool for renaming thousands of files.Batch File Renamer lets you rename files in bulk - adding, removing, inserting, and replacing characters and text, changing extensio...
Better File Rename 5.14 6 Dec 2011 | 08:00 pm
Powerful Bulk File Renamer with Windows Explorer Integration.
Bulk File Renamer for Windows 13 Dec 2012 | 04:02 pm
We’ve covered numerous file renaming utilities here on the site, and many of them have their own strengths and weaknesses. What I’ve found with a lot of them is that most tend to be difficult to use, ...
Rename file extensions in bulk, including files in subfolders 3 Jul 2012 | 10:57 pm
This post talks about how to rename file extensions in bulk using simple commands. No 3rd party tools are required. At the end of the post, you can find a download link for the batch file script. Chan...