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22 miljösmarta lägenheter byggs i Öjaby i Växjö 27 Aug 2013 | 10:30 am
NCC bygger 22 bostadsrätter för HSB intill det anrika villaområdet Öjaby i Växjö. Öjaby är känt för sina fina hus, men antalet lägenheter är få. Bostäderna byggs i en- och tvåplanshus längs Räppe kana...
Energibehovet halveras i miljonprogramområde 8 Jul 2013 | 03:16 pm
NCC minskar energianvändningen med 50 procent i 119 lägenheter i Eskilstuna från miljonprogrammets dagar. Bostäderna i Lagersberg får en omfattande Hållbar renovering i flera etapper. Ordern från Eski...
More ncc related news:
Teleport me to Starship Enterprise (NCC-1701) 5 Feb 2011 | 09:53 am
That’s the answer to today’s Daily Post! When teleportation is finally possible, where will you beam yourself first? And the answer follows just below: Starship Enterprise Starship Enterprise! Is...
Teleport me to Starship Enterprise (NCC-1701) 4 Feb 2011 | 11:25 am
That’s the answer to today’s Daily Post! When teleportation is finally possible, where will you beam yourself first? And the answer follows just below: Starship Enterprise Starship Enterprise! Is...
Archana Bhattacharjee, the first women mountaineer of Assam 30 May 2010 | 11:53 pm
Archana Bhattacharjee is the first woman mountaineer from Assam. Groomed and encouraged by NCC, Archana literally made an indelible imprint on those icy summits of the Himalayas. Archana Bhattacharje...
Escrow Assurance to UK Cloud Alliance buyers 9 Feb 2012 | 12:59 am
UK Cloud Alliance members bring true value creation opportunities to help UK businesses Escrow service now supports eco-system of cloud service providers for mid-market London 8th Feb, 2012 – NCC Gr...
2012 Indian Army Recruitment for Men & Women Criteria Eligibility 11 Mar 2012 | 01:36 am
Indian Army Recruitment for the year 2012 for its 32nd NCC Entry Scheme in SSC has issued notice for unmarried male and female applicants for filling up of 58 vacancies through NCC special entry sche...
Honors Program 13 May 2010 | 07:38 am
Honors Program 2011-2012 Curriculum Students who possess strong academic aptitude and motivation to achieve may participate in NCC’s new Honors Program. The program will support and encourage the ri...
Nuova veste grafica 22 Apr 2011 | 10:36 pm
Un caloroso saluto a tutti i clienti affezionati dei nostri servizi. Per loro e per i nuovi clienti arriva la sorpresa tanto gradita e tanto richiesta quale la nuova veste grafica del sito Ncc-Fiumici...
資格・試験・学校 12 Jan 2012 | 10:27 pm
英会話・東京新宿・NCC綜合英語学校 東京新宿のカリスマ英語/英会話学校・NCC綜合英語学院は、英会話やTOEICそして通訳等のプロまで。 真剣に学習する人のみの特訓。入門から通訳まで 長崎市 学習塾 個別指導の長崎個別学院 長崎個別学院はアット・ウィル新学力アップシステムを導入した個別指導専門塾です。中学受験・高校受験・大学受験のことなら、長崎個別学...
CHIFFON KACANG MERAH 8 May 2010 | 01:28 am
Dear mama chifon & all, Saya mau ikutan laporan chiffon kacang merah. Dibuatnya dari tepung kacang merah. Resepnya dari NCC yg Chiffon ketan item. Cuma komposisi tepung terigu nya hanya 40 g, dan ...
PIE CHIFFON KEJU 8 May 2010 | 01:15 am
Halo semua, ABG mau ikutan chiffon week neh! Baru pertama kali ikutan week2annya NCC, maklum baru gabung 2bln lalu klo gak salah! Neh ceritanya uda latihan bolak-balik tapi gagal2 terus, bantet terus...