Most near miss adalah related news are at:

Garuda Indonesia is celebrating the Independence Day of Indonesia 17 Aug 2013 | 07:16 am
I had a flight to Balikpapan this morning with Garuda Indonesia. The flight served a very nice touch desert, an Independence Day cake, matching to today’s event: the independence day of Indonesia. Wel...
Akhirnya menu lebaran itu habis 13 Aug 2013 | 05:31 pm
Apa menu lebaran di rumah Anda? Bunbun menghidangkan menu “standar” di rumah kami: ketupat, rendang, sambal goreng hati, opor ayam, dan oseng labu. Rasanya mantap! Karena menunya cukup banyak, seluruh...
More near miss adalah related news:
Daytona disappointment doesn’t derail Stewart 27 Feb 2011 | 07:03 am
NASCAR – Yahoo! Sports Tony Stewart’s silence following yet another near-miss in the Daytona 500 was quite predictable for one of NASCAR’s best sulkers.He’d lined up second on what turned out to be t...
Memperbaiki Kesalahan Pada BOOTMGR is Missing 21 Oct 2011 | 01:38 pm
BOOTMGR is Missing adalah sebuah masalah yang lumayan rumit. Namun sebelum bicara lebih jauh mengenai BOOTMGR (bagian dari boot sector), ada baiknya mungkin memahami apa itu boot sector. Sebuah boot s...
The Dragons of Ljubljana 23 May 2012 | 05:35 pm
I got up early and headed to the airport to catch my bus from Marco Polo Airport to Ljubljana (loob-jana, not Lube-gina.) I nearly missed the bus because when I saw “bus”, I focused on the massive coa...
Fatality and Near Miss Rescue Report (3-5-12) 6 Mar 2012 | 02:00 am
An Eastern Kentucky man, cutting trees along a highway, was hit by a branch and killed on Tuesday, February 28.TCIA suggests that you take time to review this incident and remind your employees of how...
Fatality and Near Miss Rescue Report (1-30-12) 31 Jan 2012 | 02:00 am
A tall crane tipped into a Concord, NH home when it slipped on ice while workers tried to trim a tree. TCIA suggests that you take time to review this incident and remind your employees of how critica...
Fatality and Near Miss Rescue Report (1-23-12)x2 24 Jan 2012 | 03:00 am
A man was taken to the hospital in critical condition Wednesday, January 18 after he ran into some power lines while trying to cut down tree limbs in Ogden, Utah. TCIA suggests that you take time to r...
Fatality and Near Miss Rescue Report (1-23-12) 24 Jan 2012 | 02:00 am
A man in Anderson, South Carolina was injured Monday, January 16 after he fell out of a bucket truck while cutting trees. TCIA suggests that you take time to review this incident and remind your emplo...
Lucky Miss for the Lego Man! 28 Jan 2012 | 09:36 am
Of course I feel lucky that Earth did not get hit by the near-miss asteroid recently. But frankly, I’m also glad that the Canadian lego man with the flag didn’t get wiped out!
Side Trip - St Moritz via Tirano 12 Jan 2011 | 12:17 am
I was back in Milan after an all too short weekend in Rome and had nothing planned. So I decided on a day trip to the Swiss Alps! Nearly missed the bus, I slept through my alarm and had to make a mad...
Oosthuizen Wins in Malaysia! 16 Apr 2012 | 12:00 pm
Second at last weekâs Masters Tournament. Third in Houston two weeks ago. But after two near misses and over 10,000 miles travelled, FJ ambassador Louis Oosthuizen (DryJoys Tour & SciFlex) finally c...