Most neil garfield related news are at:

How and When to Use Title and Securitization Reports 23 Aug 2013 | 09:05 pm
If you are seeking legal representation or other services call our South Florida customer service number at 954-495-9867 and for the West coast the number remains 520-405-1688. In Northern Florida and...
Why Do Subservicers Continue to Pay Investors After Borrower Stops Paying? 22 Aug 2013 | 10:13 pm
It is now common knowledge that subservicers are continuing to pay investors and reporting the loan as “performing” after they have sent a default and right to reinstate notice as required by the mort...
More neil garfield related news:
Another Win for Homeowners 2 Feb 2011 | 07:08 am
This post is thanks to Neil Garfield of In a recent New Jersey Appeals Court case, Wells Fargo’s summary judgment was overturned for lack of Standing. This is a case involving a homeo...
Occupy Leader Bratton Held on $250,000 Bail 23 Jun 2013 | 10:46 pm
Occupy Leader Bratton Held on $250,000 Bail By Neil F. Garfield Occupy Leader Bratton Held on $250,000 Bail Posted on June 23, 2013 by Neil Garfield In my judgment, based...
Neil Garfield in Ft Lauderdale for Consults and Hearings 16 Aug 2013 | 01:41 am
I will be in Fort Lauderdale attending hearings and doing consultations and intakes on August 19-21. If you wish to schedule an appointment please call customer service as indicated below. GGKW (GARF...
Fluffy Friday: Garfield @ Rusty 25 Apr 2011 | 12:43 am
Garfield @ Rusty "HAPPY FLUFFY FRIDAY TO ALL MEMBERS AND VIEWERS" Hi! I was very worried when I realized Garflied's right eye was swollen last week. Already been so busy around the office with deadl...
40 Bands not in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 16 Mar 2011 | 02:57 pm
Year after year a handful of musicians get inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, while dozens of equally-talented artists get snubbed. This year Alice Cooper, Tom Waits, and Neil Diamond were ...
O Jogo ~ Neil Strauss 3 Dec 2008 | 12:09 am
Eu e o Daniel, meu amigo, estamos querendo ler esse livro e pá. Se trata de PUA's (Pick-Up Artists) ~ sigla fácil de entender, vá ~ coisa que a gente tá pretendendo se tonar e pans. Se alguém souber ...
Showcase: For the Love of the Game 23 Jun 2011 | 06:00 am
For the Love of the Game The moments that made sports important to us. Contributors: Tomas Nilsson (title photo), Bruce Thomson, Aaron Fagerstrom, Derrick Siao, David Kepner, Ben Harris-Roxas, Neil ...
Vince Neil banned from The Palms 4 Apr 2012 | 10:51 am
Outside of illegal activities, it takes a lot to get banned from a Las Vegas casino. But based on a negative review? And on Twitter, no less? That’s what happened to rocker Vince Neil (of Mot...
Live Magazine 24 Mar 2012 | 11:39 am
Haviland’s cover for LIVE Magazine in Palm Springs just hit the streets today, and here it is! CLICK HERE TO SEE PICS, photography by Lani Garfield, Styling by Brandon Liberati. Haviland will be in P...
Neil Patrick Harris Looking Forward to Getting Married With David Burtka 28 Jun 2011 | 01:36 pm
The play boy of “How I Met Your Mother” series, Barney Stinson (Neil Patrick Harris) is looking forward to getting married with his fiancé, David Burtka, after it was announced that the New York Senat...