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502 Bad Gateway 27 Sep 2011 | 01:43 am

502 Bad Gateway error ini biasanya terjadi kalo kebanyakan request yang masuk yang tidak bisa dihandle oleh server sehingga menjadi timeout. Klo pada apache error ini bisa disamakan dengan 500 Interna...

FirePHP on Nginx: 502 Bad Gateway 21 Sep 2011 | 11:41 pm

We have switched from Apache to Nginx a month ago. PHP is running on FastCGI using PHP-FPM. I have just recently tried to debug our app using FirePHP and got a 502 Bad Gateway response from Nginx. It ...

Windows Plesk Sunucularda 502 Bad Gateway Hatası 31 Dec 2011 | 11:32 am

Plesk’te bir fiziksel host oluşturduğunuzda bildiğiniz gibi içinde kullanacağı sistemlerin sizin tarafınızdan seçilmesi gerekiyor (Bunlar örneğin, php, ve mysql sürümleri gibi). Seçimleri yapa...

Угнать за 5 секунд… 17 Apr 2008 | 10:53 pm

Пишу пост второй раз. Первый раз написал и в процессе сохранения получил Bad Gateway 502, даже кнопочка Back не помогла, расстроился жутко, пишу повторно. В тексте монго слов ‘короче’ Короче, дело бы...

SVN problem in linux 5 Nov 2011 | 04:19 am

If you are using the nightly deb for linux and get the following error message: D targets/mouth/images/mouth-width-min-max.png svn: Server sent unexpected return value (502 Bad Gateway) in response t...

FirePHP on Nginx: 502 Bad Gateway 21 Sep 2011 | 07:41 pm

We have switched from Apache to Nginx a month ago. PHP is running on FastCGI using PHP-FPM. I have just recently tried to debug our app using FirePHP and got a 502 Bad Gateway response from Nginx. It ...

Nginx, php-fpm и 502 bad gateway. Почти детективная история. 28 Aug 2012 | 10:36 pm

Nginx, php-fpm и 502 bad gateway. Почти детективная история. Continue reading →

Attitude Adjustment (12.09-beta) in News : News 3 Oct 2012 | 03:22 am

Topic: Attitude Adjustment (12.09-beta) Message: I guess you (the honoured developpers) already know it, but gives me a http 502 Error (Bad Gateway)svn tree has no attitude ad...

Правила форума :: RE: Работа ВЕО форума на 4 Oct 2012 | 08:25 pm

Автор: К$юньк@ : 04-10-12, 19:25 (GMT 4) Ерунда у меня началась какая-то. Когда жму кнопку "Отправить" сообщение, появляется окно с надписью: 502 Bad Gateway nginx/1.2.4 Что это? Напрягает уже....

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