Most net reflector related news are at:

Nominados a Top Influencer 2013 13 Aug 2013 | 06:56 pm
Categoría "IT Pro" Jorge Camarena Jorge Castañeda Luis Quiroz Categoría "Developer" Antonio Zarate Ernesto Cárdenas Jerson Dongo Categoría "Académico" César Angulo Raúl Campos Víctor ...
Complemento de Twister para Windows Phone usando Visual Basic 2 Jul 2013 | 08:41 am
Artículo por: Jorge Oblitas Hola, Son muchas las personas que me escriben preguntando por ejemplos en Visual Basic para nuestras nuevas tecnologías. Por esa razón decidí hacer algunos experimentos e...
More net reflector related news:
Red.Gate.NET.Reflector. Full 16 Aug 2011 | 09:43 am
Developers use .NET Reflector VSPro to: Debug assemblies without source code using the Visual Studio debugger Decompile and explore .NET assemblies inside Visual Studio Serve as a powerful object b...
.NET Reflector is becoming a paid-for product 6 Nov 2011 | 09:04 am
As you may already have learned the famous .NET Reflector created by Lutz Roeder almost a decade ago that was always free to use is becoming a paid-for product thanks to Red Gate Software. The decisio...
dotNET Spin 0.2 20 Sep 2011 | 02:13 pm
dotNetSpin 是免费的 .NET 程序集混淆工具,它的设计目的是增加反编译工具的难度,例如 .NET Reflector. 名称混淆 – 元数据中的方法名使用随机字符和数字重命名,例如 yM5tl6IwTX 这样。 流程混淆 – 这一特性可以保护您的 IL 代码不被反编译或者反编译错误。通过改变条件代码块和添加垃圾指令来蒙蔽反编译器。 点击下载 Related Posts: Or...
.NET Reflector in Visual Studio 2012 19 Jul 2012 | 10:33 pm
Visual Studio 2012 is slated to ship soon, and when it does, Reflector will be sim-shipping right there alongside it. As part of our work to support the newest technologies from Microsoft (C# 5, WinRT...
.NET Reflector is becoming a paid-for product 6 Nov 2011 | 04:04 am
As you may already have learned the famous .NET Reflector created by Lutz Roeder almost a decade ago that was always free to use is becoming a paid-for product thanks to Red Gate Software. The decisio...
Meet The Team: Rob Clarke 23 Aug 2012 | 04:28 pm
Rob joins us from the deep North (Okay, from Manchester). Never seen without his sweet leather jacket, Rob joined us as a software intern and had a baptism of fire working on the .NET Reflector add-in...
Tips: keyboard shortcuts 31 Aug 2012 | 05:44 pm
We’ve been doing some technical investigation around improving the Power Commands functionality lately. As part of that, we’ve been over some of the keyboard shortcuts in .NET Reflector, with a view t...
Version 7.7 – tidying up 3 Oct 2012 | 03:44 pm
.Net Reflector 7.7 is going to have a fairly quick turn around and a short beta period, as we’re looking to release later on this month. We’ve mostly been fixing bugs and tidying things up but there a...
New release – version 7.7 12 Oct 2012 | 04:58 pm
Yesterday afternoon, we shipped version 7.7 of .NET Reflector. That means we’re almost done with version 7, and ready to wrap up and move on to V8. We started working on version 7 way back in December...
7.7’s Power(ful) Commands 15 Oct 2012 | 03:09 pm
If you’ve tried the .NET Reflector 7.7 release, you’ll notice some new commands have appeared across the program. These are the remains of the Power Commands we integrated into the tool a while back, ...