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Terminalserver Current User Registry bearbeiten 27 Aug 2013 | 05:10 pm
Frage: Moin zusammen, ich möchte eine Software via Terminalserver (Windows Server 2008 R2) bereitstellen. Besagte Software benötigt in der Registry unter Current User 2 Einträge damit nicht bei jedem ...
Find auswerten 27 Aug 2013 | 04:25 pm
Frage: Hallo Kenner und Könner ich möchte an einer beliebigen Stelle in der Verzeichnisstruktur auf das vorhandensein von bestimmten Dateien prüfen, da zu wollte ich folgendes nutzen, der Befehl gibt ...
More net use delete related news:
ASP.NET vs PHP (which is better) 11 Mar 2012 | 08:06 am
C# C# syntax is similar to C++, programmers worked in C++ can easily develop application in using C#. is the new version of visual basic; is introduced with pure obj...
Delete FileField using delete(save=False) in signals post_delete Django 7 Mar 2012 | 08:16 pm
We can’t overwrite delete() for deleting FileField and related files in Django. As we know that : In Django 1.3, when a model is deleted the FileField’s delete() method won’t be called. If you need c...
Tweet Posting from using OAuth - Twitterizer Tutorial ... 19 Feb 2012 | 02:20 pm
May 03, 2010· You will find discussion topics for, C#, JQuery, AJAX, SQL,, .Net Framework, WCF, WPF, WWF, WSS 3.0, MOSS 2007, OOPs …
Wireless Networking Cards – Like most “high-speed transfer rate” computers users 21 Apr 2012 | 11:44 pm
Like most “typical” computers users, you love your computer and you’ve pretty good at surfing the net, using email and you’ve probably even gotten fairly proficient at using your favorite word process...
Make your own facebook chat codes 23 Jan 2012 | 09:45 pm
Option 1: Direct make your icon code from here : smileyti.meOption 2: Make you own icon code manuallyFirst : use this tool to split your image in different part. Second: upload thos...
What do you need to be the developer #1 in 4 Jan 2012 | 01:21 pm
Something is wrong with the way sort the developers by meritocracy. Well, uses Kudos to measure it, the definition that they offer for kudo is: kudo: a statement of praise or appr...
Best practice checklist – Tools of the trade 5 Jul 2008 | 06:06 pm
Tools of the trade: Use testing tools ( NUnit, MSBuild, CruiseControl.NET ) Use scripting tools ( NAnt, VBScript ) Use code metric tools ( NCover, FXCop, Simian, devAdvantage) Use visual design / ...
Scripting Batch: Monter un lecteur réseau avec login et mot de passe 4 May 2010 | 11:44 pm
Monter un lecteur réseau est relativement commun et simple avec la commande NET USE. Il est possible de coupler cette commande en ajoutant le login et le mot de passe afin d’accéder à un partage prot...
Who Will Win Super Bowl XLVI?? 2 Feb 2012 | 05:22 am
Like we’ve done for the last 20+ years, we’re predicting the winner of the Super Bowl. And not just the winner, but the flow of the game and the stats too. How do we do it? used footb...
Who Wins Their NFL Playoff Games – week 3? 21 Jan 2012 | 04:11 am
Like we’ve done in previous years, we’re predicting each game of each week of the season, including the playoffs and the Super Bowl. How do we do it? used football history, expert footb...