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Common Core Is Meant To Destroy and Replace Public School Education 27 Aug 2013 | 07:02 pm
Commissioner of the New York State Education Department, John King, clueless by design? The Washington Post had a good article on the Common Core in 2011 that you might want to read. It was prophetic....
Proposed New Gun Law Amounts to Taxation Confiscation 27 Aug 2013 | 04:53 pm
Photo of Obama and confiscated guns, with the slogan ‘Yes We Can’ The “Gun Violence Prevention and Safe Communities Act,” sponsored by William Pascrell, D-N.J., and Danny Davis, D-Ill., will be voted ...
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Obama’s Eligibility… Not One Shred of Authentic Verifiable Evidence 5 Mar 2012 | 05:14 pm
Editor repost with permission of and by author Craig Andresen In the wake of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s press conference regarding his Cold Case Posse’s investigation into Obama’s documents, we are left wit...
Obamamania 5/3 4 May 2012 | 01:16 pm
Just got back from Chris Gibson and Paul Tonko's press conference about President Barack Obama's impending visit to GlobalFoundries. I'm sitting in our newspaper's video room and I know I'm going to b...
Because America Has Suffered Enough... 7 Mar 2012 | 09:30 am
To spare us the misery of watching Republican candidates all day today, Barack Obama gives a press conference. He's so considerate. On Iran: My policy is not containment, my policy is to prevent the...
Jobs bill? America just needs more Steve Jobs 7 Oct 2011 | 07:21 am
Ironically on the morn of Steve Jobs’ passing, the first thing I heard on my way to work was President Obama’s press conference pushing for congress to sign his jobs bill. Less red tape, small busines...
Newsflash: Obama Dismissing Rod Blagojevich Trial! The King of Japan is a Woman! 10 Sep 2010 | 11:10 am
Why isn’t Blago on trial for failing to notice a dead child behind him during his press conference? Cross-posted from Media Law Blog: I just read the opinion of the district court judge in Illinois ...
Obama offered up To Raise Medicare Eligibility Age As Part Of noble Debt business deal 12 Jul 2011 | 07:07 am
WASHINGTON – In his press conference Monday morning, President Barack Obama has repeatedly expressed its willingness to address some sacred cows as part of a series to increase the debt ceiling. How s... 14 Jul 2011 | 02:08 am
Two days ago at his press conference, Obama dropped this little nuggett. "And I do not want, and I will not accept, a deal in which I am asked to do nothing, in fact, I’m able to keep hundreds of thou...
5 Oil Stocks Ahead of Driving Season 9 Jun 2012 | 05:00 pm
In the middle of the Euro crisis, when the ECB is holding emergency meetings and Obama decides to hold a press conference at the NASDAQ, it’s a good time to look to global fundamentals for reorienting...
Obama to address Petraeus sex scandal 16 Nov 2012 | 07:15 am
President Barack Obama is set to address sex scandal that brought down CIA chief David Petraeus and snared a top US general when he gives his first post-election press conference on Wednesday. The wid...
Remarks by President Obama and Prime Minister Shinawatra in a Joint Press Conference 18 Nov 2012 | 09:51 pm
Government House Bangkok, Thailand 7:18 P.M. ICT PRIME MINISTER SHINAWATRA: Ladies and gentlemen of the media, let me start by once again welcoming President Barack Obama and his delegation to Thai...