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More new mexico state fair related news:
Conratulations 3rd Place Winner 13 Oct 2011 | 09:58 am
June Rosenborough of Rio Rancho won 3rd place at the 2011 New Mexico State Fair Quilt Show with this beautiful SW quilt. Congratulations, June!
NEW MEXICO STUNT SHOW SEPT 12-23 12 Sep 2012 | 09:53 pm
MBS Mountainboards Stunt Team riders will be a featured act this year at the New Mexico State Fair! If you are anywhere in the Four Corners region of the United States make sure to stop by and say hi!...
New Mexico State Car Insurance Legal Requirements 5 Mar 2011 | 06:35 am
If you are residing in New Mexico then you need to make sure that you carry an auto insurance policy that covers the minimum coverage required by the state law. Keep the proof of insurance coverage wi...
New Mexico’s older adult population twice as likely to die after a fall 14 Mar 2012 | 04:21 am
Preventing falls in rural areas a balancing act New Mexico’s older adult population twice as likely to die after a fall Bob Wood, Ph.D., head of New Mexico State University's Department of Human...
LifeSupport Medical Announces R&D Partnership with New Mexico State University 4 Nov 2011 | 02:58 am
Dr. Bob Wood, New Mexico State University Researcher and Head of the Department of Human Performance, Dance and Recreation, demonstrates a mobility exercise as part of the at-home fall-screening test ...
Keep track of lawmakers votes, attendance record 9 Sep 2011 | 08:40 am
The New Mexico state Legislature is a lot to keep track of, what with 112 members, who knows how many bills and things happening at all hours. But the folks at the conservative Rio Grande Foundation ...
Good News If You Live in New Mexico 3 Sep 2011 | 03:38 am
apparently, it is not a crime to have sex in public in New Mexico. SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) -- He's in uniform and apparently on duty. But New Mexico State Police said the officer caught on camera having ...
Senior Night on BYUtv 24 Nov 2011 | 11:19 am
If you were not able to watch the senior night blanket ceremony after the New Mexico State game on Saturday, you need to. It can be seen here and starts at the 3:30 mark. I have attend many senior ni...
Justin’s too sick to sing! 30 Aug 2010 | 06:57 am
From Justin Bieber Music Video: TMZ is reporting that Justin Bieber will be canceling tonight’s performance at the New York State Fair until further notice due to a throat ailment. Bieber was suppose...
Hispanic GOP group announces N.M. state coordinators 12 Nov 2011 | 12:07 pm
A self-described “center right” Hispanic Republican group announced its two New Mexico state coordinators on Thursday.The Hispanic Leadership Network named Jamie Estrada, a former Bush administration ...