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Old school Network Marketing versus New School Network Marketing 4 Jul 2012 | 11:18 pm
Old School vs New School Network Marketing Network marketing used to be an off-line way of promoting products through face-to-face contact, where people inducted people they knew on to their groups –...
NSN comments on flexible term dates 20 Aug 2013 | 05:45 pm
Following the news that all schools will be given the freedom to decide their own term dates, a freedom already enjoyed by Free Schools, New Schools Network Director Natalie Evans commented: “Every p...
Launching a free school – the application 2 Aug 2013 | 02:23 pm
An interview with New Schools Network could be make or break for Dave Lewis and his group of educational experts in their bid to launch a free school...
Tip #48. Back to School: 10 steps to help you wake up early for school 27 Aug 2011 | 06:45 pm
It’s that time of the year again - back to school! With the new school year just around the corner we decided it might be a good idea to put together special collection of best working yet simple tric...
Join the new Lonely Soul Group on Google+! 9 Mar 2012 | 12:00 pm
Lonely Soul, Pure Dating. Follow us on Google Plus, the new Social Network. Google+ aims to make sharing on the web more like sharing in real life. Check out Circles, Messenger and Hangouts, just a f...
Marylhurst Creates New College and Schools, Names Three New Deans 22 Nov 2011 | 07:00 pm
Marylhurst University has created one new college and two new schools to house its burgeoning academic programs and three long-time faculty members have been named as deans of the three new academic u...
Homework Is Hard But I Will Have All New Homework And Stress. Here I Come Stress, 2 Hours Of Stress, "i Can't Do This!" 24 Jul 2011 | 01:20 pm
When you have a life and i whole new school things can get harder or just plain easy. Once you stayed in a school for a while you might want to have more challenges but once homework stars your st ...
Mark Zuckerberg is #1 Google+ User 6 Jul 2011 | 10:26 am
This one is funny and interesting at the same time. The founder of the social network, Mark Zuckerberg, is currently the number one user of the new social network from the big G, Google+. Google+ (Goo...
Zurker – an Introduction to YOUR Social Future 11 Feb 2012 | 12:35 am
In the beginning, nobody questioned the social networks. They were a great way of keeping in touch with friends and making new ones. Eventually, concerns started to mount, and new social network appl...
Giving Spirit 18 Apr 2009 | 01:35 am
Giving Spirit is an American no profit organization raising funds for new schools in South Africa. For them we have created a logo that summarize the aim of the organization. Above the map of South Af...