Most new word creator related news are at:

A List of Details 20 Aug 2013 | 02:49 pm
I’ve often said “There are only two processes to winemaking. Flavours are created in the vineyard and extracted in the winery. The rest is only details”. Every time someone speaks of a great new w...
Lovely whites from Santorini and why Minerality is like “I’m Good” 8 Aug 2013 | 12:17 pm
The New Yorker ran an amusing online parody of a usage guide for “I’m good” – something I’d have expected to see on McSweeney’s more than in the New Yorker – demonstrating how “I’m good” can be used t...
More new word creator related news:
All new Word Clock 31 May 2011 | 05:58 pm
All new version of Word Clock for Mac is now available. Completely re-written from scratch with new, smoother animation. No more Flash…
New Article Creator! 7 Oct 2011 | 03:27 am
Hello! I have good news for everybody who likes creating alternatives! You have a new feature now! We've realized that creating articles is too long and takes too much time for you, so to avoid too ... 10 Jul 2007 | 02:55 pm
New words and another blog to visit: Just wanted to use the blog to record some of the words Elliott is actually using and how she is recognizing words: Plainly says "bye-bye" and "night-night" Says...
Google site search for vocabulary in context 15 Dec 2010 | 01:42 pm
Searching for "swiftly" on NY Times A student came to me the other day with a list of vocabulary that he wanted to learn. He’d used each new word in sentences that tried to demonstrate the meaning. I...
-ible or -able 26 Apr 2012 | 03:01 am
Many words end in -ible and -able. Sometimes it is difficult to remember which spelling to use. The -ible ending is for words of Latin origin. There are about 180 words ending in -ible. No new words a...
The treatment options for advanced stage of prostate cancer 14 Dec 2011 | 08:04 am
Prostate cancer is now a no new word, many men are now found inflicted by it. The need in this present hour is that instead of getting scared of this dire disease one must learn to face it. As far as ...
Increase Your Child’s Vocabulary with Classwords! 4 May 2012 | 05:48 pm
We all know that vocabulary is a big part of life. We must learn new words to continue growing in life. That is why it is vital for us to teach kids vocabulary building skills from the beginning. W...
Play or Die [ Anagram GameBot for mig33 Users] 21 Apr 2012 | 07:09 am
Play or Die [Anagram GameBot] A new game for mig33 users Game Description : Gamebot will give you a 4 digit word. You have to make a new word from it. The rules is player can change only 1 alphabet ....
Noun suffixes 3 May 2012 | 10:16 pm
What is a suffix? A suffix is a group of letters that we put after a word to make a new word. The different noun suffixes 1) -sion We use -sion to make nouns from certain verbs: televise (verb) -...
Learn Qt programming with our free tutorials | 15 Feb 2012 | 11:14 pm
We've put up three tutorials using Qt, and we think you should try them. Why? Because they use Nokia's awesome new Qt Creator tool for quick design. Because Qt …