Most newborn 33 weeks related news are at:

Day 1: Confessions of a Humbled and Stripped-Down Me 27 Aug 2013 | 10:09 am
Summer is nearly "officially" over. On Tuesday of this coming week, Noah starts KINDERGARTEN. .... Said the start of a blog post I began three weeks ago. And yet, here we are. Three weeks later. ...
Inspired and Striving and Taking Notice. 1 Aug 2013 | 09:37 am
Quiet Time here in our home, and Pandora is playing the Alison Krauss mix... by FAR my favorite Pandora station to turn to, especially when I want mellow... when I want calm.. when I want to tap into ...
More newborn 33 weeks related news:
A LONG Twin Pregnancy Update - 33 Weeks 24 Dec 2011 | 06:07 pm
30 Weeks 5 days I am technically 33 weeks and 2 days right now. With the exception of the last few weeks (Preterm Labor, MRI and Morphine) my pregnancy had been somewhat uneventful.....well as uneven...
Alhamdulillah.. dah sampai 33 weeks 5 Oct 2011 | 01:02 pm
Alhamdulillah.. syukur sgt dah sampai 33 weeks. Every 2 weeks ada check-up n tac dgn gynae.. Pada hari yg sama jugak bertambah usia mingguan kandungan ni. Senang nak kira.. hehehe.. Hari ni ada appo...
33 Weeks 15 Oct 2009 | 03:16 pm
Minggu 33 : Umurku 31 minggu sekarang. Panjangku 41 sampai 42 cm dan berat badanku 1,9 sampai 2 kg. Tulangku sudah mengeras dan tendanganku semakin kuat. Tinggal 7 minggu lagi! Janin : Berat badan j...
On our 34th week 3 Jun 2011 | 11:11 pm
34 weeks... Actually its 33 weeks and 3 days..not only am I getting bigger, heavier each week (yeah, the super sized me!) but I am having trouble sleeping. Patutty's frequent and more defined movem...
Pregnancy #2 23 Aug 2011 | 01:36 pm
23 weeks Lerin Photography 30 weeks 32 weeks 33 weeks 33 weeks 35 weeks 35 weeks 38 weeks 38 weeks
:: 33 weeks :: 12 Dec 2011 | 05:03 pm
52 days to go.... perut cm nk meletup dh kan? ramai yg ckp perut aku besar..nk wt cmne dh 2 org kt dlm tu kan..but ade jgk yg ckp kecik kalu nk dibandingkan ngan org lain yg prgnt twin bgn pagi td n...
Newborn 11 Feb 2008 | 08:07 pm
Two weeks ago, I received a new born feral. Very cute. The mother is still young. Tne number has doubed since. InsyaAllah, the project will grow. I also found special grass. It was introduced by my f...
"Mummy to be" expected on 26 April 2010 10 Mar 2010 | 06:35 pm
Hmm..skrg aku dh masuk 33 weeks...Im gonna get baby boy.. so skrg ni ade assignment yang kena buat..iaitu calculate movement fetal.. Aku kena cek baby gerak sampai tak 10 kali. Kalau kurang dari itu ...
I think I am having the spawn of Andre the Giant 22 Dec 2009 | 05:04 pm
Seriously... This baby is HUGE and kicking my butt on a regular basis. I really think he is doing jumping jacks in there. Ok, so I went to my 33 week appointment and sonogram today. I thought I was ...
I think I am having the spawn of Andre the Giant 22 Dec 2009 | 12:04 pm
Seriously... This baby is HUGE and kicking my butt on a regular basis. I really think he is doing jumping jacks in there. Ok, so I went to my 33 week appointment and sonogram today. I thought I was ...