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Mobile News 25 Mar 2011 | 07:08 pm
Apple, mobile and tourism study, Jumptap – News briefs News briefs – Apple takes home product of the year award for iPad; Mobile marketing and tourism have increasingly more points in common: study; ...
[News] Apple beware, there's Lenovo's U1 Hybrid Ideapad 31 Jan 2010 | 01:41 am
Behind the fuzz around the launching of the iPad, there is more .... the Ideapad U1 Hybrid of Lenovo was presented beginning of January this year. With the advantage of being a hybrid, the tablet can ...
[News] Apple's Tablet: thou shalt be iPad .... or not 29 Jan 2010 | 12:14 am
Apple launches the iPad. The news of a super tablet to make reading more comfortable was awaited since long. Indeed, the 2010 Keynote of Apple should bring the newest tendency and modify the way of l...
[News] Apple makes Disney dream bigger 20 Oct 2009 | 06:57 pm
While the world still is concerned with reductions of costs, Disney just launched a huge plan to redynamise its retail outlet with the support of Steve Jobs and Apple. The plan is to transform the sho...
7-inch iPad Mini rumors of the third quarter of low-cost strategy against Win 8 tablet 21 Apr 2012 | 10:57 pm
According to foreign media reports, as well as the Chinese media broke the news, Apple is about to launch 7-inch iPad mini rumor does not seem to come from nowhere, reported 7-inch versions of the iPa...
Apple App Store reaches 10 billion downloads | Apple - CNET News 25 Jan 2011 | 03:36 am
Apple reaches milestone download less than three years after launching store for mobile apps. Read this blog post by Steven Musil on Apple.
Nach Töre und Bruma jetzt auch Sala – 1 Feb 2012 | 01:49 pm
Der HSV-Talentschuppen rockt die Bundesliga: Nach Töre und Bruma startet auch Sala durch. Arnesen: ?Ich wusste ja, was die Jungs können.? Skandal Eilmeldung Topmeldung News Apple Empfehle diesen Artik...
Glaeseker-Büro – Bundespräsidialamt 31 Jan 2012 | 01:17 am
Das Büro von Olaf Glaeseker, ehemaliger Sprecher von Bundespräsident Christian Wulff, ist am Donnerstag von der Staatsanwaltschaft Hannover durchsucht worden. Skandal Eilmeldung Topmeldung News Apple ...
Apple Releases iOS 4.3.4 Update To Block JailbreakMe Exploit 16 Jul 2011 | 09:59 am
Posted in All News Apple has released iOS 4.3.4 to block the exploit used by comex to jailbreak devices on iOS 4.3.3. iOS 4.3.4 Software Update Fixes security vulnerability associated with viewing ma...
Traumwinter in Hamburg – Nichts wie raus in Schnee und Sonne! 6 Feb 2012 | 04:25 am
Bei Minusgraden strahlt die Sonne – ein Spaziergang? Oder doch lieber Schlittschuh laufen? MOPO hat mal nachgeschaut, wo Sie den Winter so richtig genießen können. News Apple Mac Iphone Twitter Empfeh...