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【猎头-Ivy】500强下属IT公司【C++相关职位】大连 27 Aug 2013 | 03:16 pm
以下职位急聘,欢迎联系~ QQ:2489169611 MSN: Skype:yangxue0619 C++ 职位 地点:大连 (一)嵌入式软件开发项目经理 要求:1.大学本科或以上学历 2.从事软件开发8年,其中C++开发经验4年。 3.能够理解式样书,进行 ...
【猎头-Ivy】500强下属IT公司【android相关职位】大连 27 Aug 2013 | 03:15 pm
以下职位急聘,欢迎联系~ QQ:2489169611 MSN: Skype:yangxue0619 Android职位 地点:大连 1.软件开发工程师(SPL) 要求:(1)5年工作经验,Android APP开发经验3年 (2)具有概要设计经验和UML开发经验 (3 ...
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射手分支项目-基于MongoDB的开源短网址服务 13 Dec 2010 | 07:15 pm
自从短网址服务出现的那一天开始,我就把短网址服务的最佳架构作为一个趣味题来看待——简单的应用与海量请求的组合,怎样才是最低开销的实现。最后我的结论认为,采用基于Key-Value的数据存储层搭配nginx module的应用前端实现,是在性能、稳定与负载之间最佳的平衡。选择 MongoDB 作为数据端,其性能是内存级别,而分片部署和数据安全性又非常适合大规模应用。nginx module 作为应用...
How to block TOR on Apache and Nginx 15 May 2012 | 08:56 pm
If you ever want to block TOR users from your accessing website completely or block them from accessing specific file(s) / location(s) only for any reasons you may have and you’re running Nginx or Apa...
How to remove index files from URL on Nginx 30 Apr 2012 | 01:15 pm
So yesterday while i was idling on Freenode i saw someone asking in Nginx channel that he basically wants to remove the index.php file from the url or in other words he wants to redirect
WordPress Multisite Nginx 的伪静态(Rewrite)规则 28 Oct 2011 | 03:44 pm
WordPress是一个注重美学、易用性和网络标准的个人信息发布平台。WordPress 虽为免费的开源软件,但其价值是无法用金钱来衡量。使用WordPress可以搭建功能强大的网络信息发布平台,但更多...
Discuz!X Nginx 的伪静态(Rewrite)规则 25 Oct 2011 | 03:09 pm
Discuz!X是康盛创想(Comsenz)推出的一个以社区为基础的专业建站平台,让论坛(BBS)、个人空间(SNS)、门户(Portal)、群组(Group)、应用开放平台(Open Platform)充分融合于一体,帮助网站...
Drupal 7 Nginx.conf Fix For Missing Images Styles 19 May 2011 | 02:10 am
Nginx and Image Styles generation does not work out of the box in Drupal 7. You'll need to add a few extra lines to your nginx.conf file for it to work. Drupal 7 Nginx.conf Fix For Missing Images Styl...
Another Reason to love Paid on Results 22 Dec 2011 | 12:36 am
Hi, On the 06th December a visitor to your website clicked on an Affiliate URL for a Merchant who has closed its Affiliate Program with Paid On Results. The visitor was shown our Expired Links page...
To Penetrate the Market 4 May 2012 | 06:41 pm
The most obvious answer is to cat food by Friskies is to check the product expiration date just in case younger cats on different sites. First of coupons, loyalty club perks and weekly circulars have ...
fsockopen 异步处理 17 May 2012 | 06:44 pm
前面参与一项目,逻辑处理比较多,所以采用异步处理。 因为之前采用异步处理时 Web 服务器是 Apache,而这次测试时也是,到把代码更新到服务器上时,执行死活不成功。折腾一番之后,才记起服务器上的 Web 服务器是 Nginx。试着从这个角度查找原因,找到如下这篇文章: FROM: 有关fsockopen相关随笔 测试环境,从本机(Windows)访问内外一台 Linux 服务器(此服务器...
How domain names are deleted 11 Nov 2008 | 11:37 am
Ever wonder how a domain name gets deleted or “dropped”? The domain drop process is long and arduous and there are many steps involved. Here’s how the process works: After a domain name expires it en...