Most nhibernate is not null query related news are at:

St. Louis Day of .NET–That’s a Wrap! 12 Aug 2011 | 01:29 am
Earlier this year I I was lucky enough to have been invited to speak at last weekend’s St. Louis Day of .NET conference in (you guessed it!) St. Louis, Missouri . Held in the Ameristar Resort and Cas...
CMAP: Intro to Agile Principles, Practices, and Processes – that’s a Wrap! 9 Aug 2011 | 12:33 pm
At the beginning of this month I had the pleasure of traveling down to Columbia, Maryland to address the August 2011 meeting of the Central Maryland Association of .NET Professionals (CMAP). I delive...
More nhibernate is not null query related news:
NHibernate Step by Step (五)Criteria Query 27 Apr 2006 | 01:24 am
NHibernate Step by Step (五)Criteria Query可能很多人象我一样,刚开始接触HQL时,脑袋一片混沌,这是什么语法嘛!!之所以这样,是因为我们总是会先入为主地将之与SQL想比,虽然HQL看起来很SQL,而且设计时就有这样的意图,但是毕竟是两种差别很大的东西,难免就会出现理解偏差的问题。好了,我们今天就不让大家脑袋发晕了,HQL我们暂时放一放。今天我们来说另外一种查...
wordpress query.php on line 2399のエラー 5 Jul 2011 | 05:55 pm
WordPress 3.1.3 のバージョンにしてから 管理画面のメディアライブラリーに 「Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /~/wp-includes\query.php on line 2399」 何行もくり返す。 のエラーメッセージ。 検索をかけてみたところ WordPressの...
IS NOT NULL in MSSQL Server Tutorial 3 Jul 2011 | 06:16 am
Use of IS NOT NULL In Where Clause In MSSQL Database Server Tutorial Example Run microsoft sql server management studio query editor or any client tools you like then copy & paste the... [[ This is ...
IS NULL MSSQL Server Tutorial 3 Jul 2011 | 06:14 am
Use of IS NULL In Where Clause In MSSQL Database Server Tutorial Example Run microsoft sql server management studio query editor or any client tools you like then copy & paste the below... [[ This i...
Armadilhas do NHibernate: Fazer Queries LINQ Sobre Propriedades Não Mapeadas 26 Jul 2012 | 03:01 am
Este é parte de uma série de posts sobre as Armadilhas do NHibernate. Vejam toda a série aqui. Imaginemos que temos uma classe como esta: Podemos sentir-nos tentados a fazer uma query como: Infeliz...
Empty row if condition does not match 4 Jan 2013 | 12:00 am
How to make a query always return a NULL row on a non-match
ERROR FIX: json_encode returns null even if there is a value being passed to it 19 Jan 2013 | 12:36 am
Loosing Data With json_encode? So this took me several days of pulling out my hair so I’m hoping to save you some hair loss. I had a query pulling data from a MySQL database and then I was encoding th...
null zone and fortune 27 Aug 2013 | 01:50 pm
Quick query as i cant find it in the rulebook, how does null zone psychic power interact with rerollable invulnerable saves like fortuned farseers. Its probably in there but i have had no luck. Also,...
what is best way to put where condition it may be null or may be value 22 Aug 2013 | 11:08 am
i have a queries like etc.. where Ser.serviceid LIKE CASE WHEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),@ServiceId) IS NULL THEN '%' ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),@ServiceId) END is it right way or can i use this (Ser.s...
Recursive Lineage Queries in SQL and RyuQ 22 May 2013 | 08:47 am
Without explaining every detail, here is a “proper” (as in, non-NULL dependent) method for handling tree data within a recursive query. In the example below table foo has an id, a parent and a dtg (da...