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NHibernate Detached Criteria is not Reusable 20 Jul 2010 | 08:52 am
While working on a paging feature for our application I discovered that the NHibernate detached criteria is not reusable. My goal was to create a single call to a repository using one detached criteri...
Workaround: Oracle, NHibernate, and CreateSQLQuery Not Working 18 Jan 2012 | 05:25 pm
It’s difficult to sum this post up with a title. I started the morning adding (what I thought to be) a trivial feature to one of our shared repository libraries. By the time I saw light at the end of...
LLBLGenPro v.3.0 Release 2010.Jun.04 9 Jun 2010 | 03:21 am
Key features: Designer Most advanced O/RM Designer for .NET New! Entity Framework (v1 & v4) support New! NHibernate support (hbm & FluentNH) New! Linq to SQL support New! Supports Model-first ...
Armadilhas do NHibernate: Fazer Queries LINQ Sobre Propriedades Não Mapeadas 26 Jul 2012 | 03:01 am
Este é parte de uma série de posts sobre as Armadilhas do NHibernate. Vejam toda a série aqui. Imaginemos que temos uma classe como esta: Podemos sentir-nos tentados a fazer uma query como: Infeliz...
Сообщения блога, созданные Acreage Laureleigh 14 Jan 2013 | 04:51 am
Сообщения блога, созданные Acreage Laureleigh Tips for a healthy long term relationship Nhibernate relationship types Linq to sql one to many relationship