Most night world strange fate related news are at:

Whimsical Lands and Books 1 Oct 2012 | 11:37 pm
Lately I would describe myself as a bit of a dreamer. I live in a day-to-day land where I "endure" life simply in the far off notion that one day I will be out of the fog that is being a sick person, ...
In My Mailbox/ What I'm Reading/ Weekly Favs 24 Sep 2012 | 06:43 am
Hello fellow readers. It's sunday and you know what that means, In My Mailbox! Oddly I haven't bought any books this week, so instead of not posting I decided that I would blog about the books I am re...
More night world strange fate related news:
Group travel and corporate retreats hit Blue Ridge 4 Nov 2009 | 01:40 am
They came from afar, from a world of stress. Early morning and late nights; high-powered meetings to determine the fate of dollar signs and numbers followed by several zeros, or the fate of someone’s ...
The Fireside Chronicles #7 – Corporate Greed and Rugrats 27 Jun 2012 | 03:42 am
In this episode of the Fireside Chronicles, we delve into the wacky world of Waggy’s strange childhood, we decide the fate of various poultry, and we bite our nails over the state of the world. And of...
A Silent #six word Satursay 24 Aug 2013 | 01:48 pm
Aphasia – strange for wordless one to know the exile arrived home last night and has been re-united with the real world after subjection to mind alring drigs which have removed my agbility ti wrute ...