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Gallery Foto Korban Pembantaian Senjata Kimia di Syria 24 Aug 2013 | 09:22 am
Ya Allah, terbuat dari apakah hati mereka hingga memiliki kejahatan seperti ini Berbahagialah kalian wahai hati yang masih memiliki keprihatinan yang mendalam Bantulah mereka dari apa yang bisa kalian...
Dikhianati Junta Militer, Partai Salafy Pendukung Pemberontakan Pemerintah yang Sah An Nur Mengancam Turun ke Jalan 24 Aug 2013 | 09:10 am
Dr Khalid Alamuddin, salah satu peimpin Partai An Nur Mesir mengancam akan turun ke jalan karena junta militer telah mengingkari janji saat melakukan kudeta terhadap presiden terpilih Mesir DR Muhamma...
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Update Modus Terbaru Perekrutan/ Tilawah Ajaran Sesat Negara Islam Indonesia Alzaytun 8 Mar 2011 | 04:34 am
berikut adalah cara-cara terbaru dalam perekrutan anggota NII berhati-hatilah saudara lindungi kerabat dan anggota keluarga anda SOURCE : NCC http://NII-CRISIS-CENTER.COM a. Calon tilawah adalah tamu ...
Suicidal thoughts – How long can a hospital keep someone inpatient against their will? 16 Apr 2012 | 12:00 pm
A friend went to a mental health crisis center for medication because she is severely depressed and has suicidal thoughts. They assessed her and are not letting her leave. How long can they legally re...
Go Daddy Provides the Child Crisis Center with New Cribs 23 Jun 2011 | 12:29 pm
On June 21st, four Go Daddy employees, Paul Mullen, Steve Kirkland, Matt McLeod, and Iain Kenny donated their time, energy, and skills to setting up new cribs and disposing of the old ones for the Chi...
The INDEPENDEN’S – Weblog, Jakarta : Diprediksikan tidak mungkin menjadi pusat gempa. Hal tersebut terungkap dalam konferensi pers yang diadakan di Crisis Center, Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Ge...
Annie Duke To Host the 5th 1736 Family Crisis Center Annual Poker Charity Tournament 25 Apr 2011 | 07:00 pm
Another event of poker is now being organized by Annie Duke that will be called A 'Texas Hold-Em Poker Tournament/Casino Night'. The said event will benefit 1736 Family Crisis Center, a non-profit org...
Adios 28 Apr 2012 | 08:00 am
Pic via The Oregon Trail Tombstone Generator On Monday morning, The Florida Independent’s Ashley Lopez filed a story with a pretty shocking headline: “Scott cuts funding for rape crisis centers durin...
TV stations around the state highlight loss of funding for local rape crisis centers 28 Apr 2012 | 03:29 am
Gov. Rick Scott (Pic via This week, in one of my last stories here at The Florida Independent, I wrote about Gov. Rick Scott’s decision to veto $1.5 million from the state’s $70 billion bu...
Scott honors director of rape crisis center after cutting her funding 27 Apr 2012 | 03:28 am
Gov. Rick Scott (Pic via Facebook) Timing has not been on Gov. Rick Scott’s side lately. Earlier this week, I pointed out that the governor eliminated $1.5 million in state funds for 30 rape crisis ...
VIDEO: Scott asked about vetoed rape crisis center funding 26 Apr 2012 | 07:30 am
After The Florida Independent broke news on Monday that Gov. Rick Scott vetoed $1.5 million for Florida rape crisis centers during Sexual Assault Awareness Month, the governor began discussing the eli...
Tampa rape crisis center issues open invitation to Gov. Scott 26 Apr 2012 | 02:05 am
Gov. Rick Scott (Pic via In response to Gov. Rick Scott’s line item veto stripping funding for 30 rape crisis centers around the state, a Tampa Bay center issued an open invitation to Scot...