Most nike plus api related news are at:

Delaunay triangle vectorization 2 3 Nov 2011 | 09:42 pm
Following on from the last post we have continued to work on an app for creating images using Delaunay triangulation. This tool allows you to add both individual nodes or a spread of nodes, and has a...
Delaunay triangle vectorization 30 Jun 2011 | 04:53 am
We have been working on vectorisation tool based on a network or irregular triangles. The technique I adapted was to create a random set of initial points, and then use a Delaunay triangulation algor...
More nike plus api related news:
Thomas Sabo Jewellery 29 May 2012 | 05:22 pm
By Jay Wong on May 09, 2012 0 on 1/11/2012 at 9:40 AM | Back to Blog Posts | RSS » | Edit Post | Delete Post Katy Perry is to be the new ambassador for THOMAS SABO Jewellery,nike plus … Continue readi...
Google Plus API 28 Nov 2011 | 09:14 am
Coders can now get their hands on a single Google+ API (application programming interface). Over time, Google will be opening up more of its platform to developers, presumably in a similar fashion to...
How to apply for Google plus api notifications 6 Jul 2011 | 12:17 am
When Google launched it’s Google+ beta, it did so without exposing an api to developers. Given that the site is yet to fully launch and core changes to the site are still probable, we’re certainly no...
Hacking Nike Plus – part 1 12 Mar 2010 | 12:02 am
I love my Nike Sportband. As a training aid, it meets my needs perfectly, small and light, and readable as a stopwatch while out running. I used it extensively in training for last year’s London Marat...
Nike Plus 14 Mar 2011 | 02:00 pm
Hello Girls!!!! Desta vez vou falar de um acessoriozinho que tenho usado atualmente e que achei muito bom... As pessoas que me conhecem sabem que nunca fui muito fã de exercícios, nem muito menos rat...
My 13 Favorite Things this TIME of YEAR 2012 19 Jan 2012 | 08:14 am
1. Nike Plus Shoes with Sensor The Nike+ Sensor makes it easy to track your time, distance, pace and more while you run. Afterward, upload your run data to, the world's largest running ...
Nike Plus FuelBand 27 Apr 2012 | 12:50 pm
// The FuelBand by Nike Plus has been causing a load of ruckus since it's unveiling back in January (2012), and for notable reasons. Laced with a sleek and simple design, the device serves as a tool t...
Google Plus API 10 Jul 2011 | 01:50 pm
Google is rolling out API very soon for developers to take a sneak peak and develop applications. In the meantime developers can sign up at to get ...
Google Plus Circles 14 Mar 2011 | 03:10 am
Update:- Google launched the google circle social network as Google plus. API is still awaited. Updates will be coming as the API gets launched. Google is launching there new social networking servic...
Protect your code from Embarcadero 19 Dec 2011 | 02:56 pm
Do you know DirectX Show and GDI plus API are now included in latest versions of Delphi ? When Embarcadero decided to redistribute your open source code, your first feeling is nice. But when you take ...