Most nike training club app related news are at:

Trick or treat – Keep kids away from sugary Halloween candy 29 Oct 2012 | 01:58 am
Halloween is around the corner with just three more days to go. If you have small kids, your excitement must be at the peak with activities including selection of costume for your little one to plan ...
Is costly iPad mini small enough for doctor’s coat? 28 Oct 2012 | 07:55 am
Introduction of iPad mini has triggered mixed reaction among the consumers. Some analyst reported excitement in the users owing to its small size, but some analyst rated the iPad mini low on consumer...
More nike training club app related news:
Nike Training Club, app que te ayudara a continuar haciendo ejercicio 6 Aug 2013 | 08:19 pm
La condición física es algo que nunca pasara de moda, pues por un lado siempre vamos a querer gozar de buena salud, y por el otro, siempre vamos a querer vernos bien, físicamente hablando, y eso solo ...
Nike Training Club – Der Trainingsassistent für die Westentasche 29 Jul 2012 | 03:59 am
Gerade in der Schwimmbadsaison kommt sie immer wieder – die Unzufriedenheit mit den eigenen Problemzonen. Aber auch wenn der Wille da ist, so ist es doch nicht einfach das richtige Training zu finden....
How Khan Academy Nike Training Club and SparkPeople Motivate Users Behavior 26 Nov 2012 | 10:51 pm
I mentioned in my post Online Systems for Behavior Change that I'm working on a very interesting project that is designed to lead to some important changes in behavior that has already had dramatic im...
Lincoln Park’s Nike Training Club 29 Apr 2013 | 10:51 pm
I was recently invited to meet with Nike at their Lincoln Park training club. I was blown away by the place and was so mad at myself that I had no idea it was even there! The training club offers a wi...
Slow Down for Recovery and Re-Learning to Swim (Strength Building - 2nd Month - 2970 minutes) 5 Jun 2013 | 02:18 pm
Last May 31, my strength building programme has reached its 2nd month. As of this writing, I have clocked in a total of 2970 minutes using the Nike Training Club application. Did 10 runs for a total...
Slow Down for Recovery and Re-Learning to Swim (Strength Building - 2nd Month - 2970 minutes) 5 Jun 2013 | 02:18 pm
Last May 31, my strength building programme has reached its 2nd month. As of this writing, I have clocked in a total of 2970 minutes using the Nike Training Club application. Did 10 runs for a total...
Nike Training Club e We Own The Night: le donne corrono avanti 24 Apr 2013 | 04:13 pm
CHI Nike DOVE Milano, Largo Cairoli, ore 20 QUANDO Il 31 maggio COSA Nike calls to action! E lancia la sua app Nike Training Club in italiano (disponibile su iTunes) e la sua prima run di 10 km al...
How Khan Academy Nike Training Club and SparkPeople Motivate Users Behavior 26 Nov 2012 | 10:51 pm
I mentioned in my post Online Systems for Behavior Change that I'm working on a very interesting project that is designed to lead to some important changes in behavior that has already had dramatic im...
Questions&Answers 13 Jul 2013 | 12:36 pm
Christine Kolik měříš a vážíš? Měřím 162 cm a vážím kolem 55 kg Cvičíš a nebo chodíš na nějaký kroužek? Ano, cvičím a asi 3-6 do týdne. Moc mě to baví a cvičím podle aplikace Nike Training Club. Na ž...
Un hub efímero para Nike creado por CuldeSac 20 Aug 2013 | 01:00 am
El Nike Training Club es una app gratuita que la marca lanzó a nuestro mercado hace unos meses. Para dar a conocer a las mujeres españolas esta aplicación en torno al entrenamiento integral y hacerles...