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Enter to #W1N a Nikon D700 or Canon 5D MKII!! You Choose!! 16 Feb 2012 | 11:33 am
Tweet This giveaway ends in 4 days, so hurry and get those entries in while you can. Enter to win a Nikon D700 or Canon 5D MKII you choose which camera you want if you win. I would chose the Canon 5...
Nikon D800: Erste Details der 36 Megapixel DSLR 25 Nov 2011 | 10:28 pm
Wie das Online-Portal auf berichtet wird demnächst der Nachfolger der Nikon D700 erscheinen. Die Nikon D800 soll Fotos mit 36 Megapixel aufnehmen können und Full-HD-Videos drehen. Offiziell w...
My Gear 2 Jan 2001 | 05:27 pm
I shoot primarily with a Nikon D700 and an 85mm 1.8 lens. My backup body is a Nikon D200 with a Tamron 17-50mm 2.8 lens. I have two SB600 flash units that I use when absolutely necessary.
Apie vežėjus 15 May 2012 | 05:00 am
Iš pastebėjimų :) Camera Model: NIKON D700 Focal Length: 135.0mm Aperture: f/2 Exposure Time: 1/2500 ISO equiv: 400 Rodyk draugams
Apie linijas 1 Apr 2012 | 12:39 am
Geometrija vež :) Camera Model: NIKON D700 Focal Length: 85.0mm Aperture: f/4.0 Exposure Time: 1/320 ISO equiv: 100 Rodyk draugams
Morgan Maassen Photography 26 Jan 2012 | 11:52 am
Select shots from 21 year old Morgan Maassen, photographer Info: From Santa Barbara Lives everywhere Started shooting in 2007 Uses a Hassleblad 500cm and Nikon d700 Site at Tw...
The Still Image with Crash Taylor 11 Dec 2010 | 03:02 am
Fashion – Photographer Jay Mawson – Website LOCATION: My studio in Yorkshire, England CAMERA AND LENS: Nikon D700 + Nikkor 85mm 1.8 LIGHTING: Natural Light CREATIVE PROCESS: Sh...
Nikon D700 SLR 5 Apr 2010 | 10:36 pm
Nikon D700 SLR Unter den Profikameras ist die Nikon D700 SLR aktuell die beliebteste aber wohl auch eine der teuersten Spiegelreflexkamera auf dem Markt. Mit 12 Megapixel und einem ISO zwischen 200 u...
Nikon D700 10 Sep 2010 | 09:21 am
Nikon D700 представляет собой однообъективную цифровую зеркальную камеру с полнокадровой светочувствительной КМОП-матрицей формата Nikon FX с разрешением 12.1 мегапикселей. Камера является второй пол...
Nikon D7000 Firmware Update 1.02 25 Apr 2011 | 09:27 pm
After almost 4 months of Nikon Firmware update 1.01 Nikon decided that there are more problems to solve in D7000. If you wonder what kind of problems the upgrade solves you can read the following lis...