Most nikon d90 related news are at:

Investor Relations:Q&A of Financial Results for the First Quarter of the Year ending March 31, 2014 has been reported. 20 Aug 2013 | 11:00 am
News:Nikon D7100 Digital SLR Camera Receives EISA Award 20 Aug 2013 | 09:00 am
More nikon d90 related news:
デジタル一眼レフ(ニコン D90)を買った。 4 May 2010 | 03:02 pm
気づけば1年以上も投稿していなかったでござる。 珍しく、何もやることがないGWなので、1本くらいは書いてみることにしました。 つい先日、Nikon D90 (公式サイト)を買いました。もう十分値下がりしたよね。 購入したのは 18-105 のレンズキットなんですが、同時購入した単焦点(3518)しか使っていません。 Nikon デジタル一眼レフカメラ D90 AF-S DX 18-105 ...
The Switch from Pentax K100D to Nikon D90 16 Oct 2010 | 09:00 am
A few years ago, I won a Pentax K100D, my first DSLR (like Mother, like Daughter!), and that is when I started to fall in love with photography. I didn’t know a thing at first, except for maybe the ru...
Nikon D90 for SALE !!! 7 Nov 2011 | 04:10 pm
1. body + kit lense + potrait lense + tripod = RM3000 2. plus Nikon Speedlight SB600 = RM500
Brand New Guns 29 Oct 2009 | 11:49 pm
Hey Friends! I am back with my new guns! Wee hee!!! Nikon D90 18-105 VR Lens SB900 Flashlite I am gonna start shooting again! So excited! Watch this space! =D
Немного новостей 11 Nov 2010 | 08:46 am
За несколько месяцев креветки быстро увеличили свою численность:) Правильно про вишен говорят - "креветки-гуппи" :) Что касается фотографии. Решил заняться этим серьёзнее. Теперь коплю на Nikon D90, р...
New Nikon D90 DSLR-12.3MP-18-105mm VR Lens Kit 28 Jun 2010 | 03:00 am
Price : RM3,490 (firm) Item Condition : 100% Brand New, 100% No Scratches, No Dent, 100% Working Condition, Satisfaction Guaranteed C.O.D : KL (Jln Raja Laut/Shah Alam/Jalan Klang Lama), Deliver (RM10...
Ingin Kumiliki… 19 Feb 2010 | 12:30 am
Banyak mimpi yang belum terwujud, salah satunya si Nikon D90 diatas, ingin rasanya bisa jalan-jalan ditemani sama kamera ini….Kapan ya? cukuplah saat ini saya di temani sama Kodak Z740 ini buat dokum...
New year, new camera! 13 Jan 2011 | 07:37 am
I got a new camera for Christmas. And not just any camera, I got a new DSLR, a Nikon D90. And I know how to turn in on, so far. I have four books on how to work it, yes four! I'm not a dummy, it's jus...
Nikon D90 12 Dec 2008 | 04:11 am
Fantástica e brutal!!! Um salto quântico na qualidade fotográfica!!! A Nikon garante a mesma qualidade de imagem da D300 e em alguns aspectos críticos dizem que equivale à D3 (a máquina que permite ti...
Animado esse verão né? 19 Jan 2011 | 03:37 pm
Francine de Mattos | Flickr: Local: Barra Velha, Santa Catarina - Brasil Câmera: Nikon D90