Most nikon full frame makinalar related news are at:

İFSAK 23. İSTANBUL FOTOĞRAF GÜNLERİ 30 Oct 2012 | 05:05 pm
Gelenekselleşen İFSAK Fotoğraf Günleri'nin 23ncüsü "İFSAK Üyeleri, İçe Yolculuk" teması ile 01 Kasım 2012 tarihinde başlıyor. Gerçekten de çok yoğun ve keyifli bir program ile Kasım ayı boyunca bol bo...
Seyyar 10 Oct 2012 | 09:58 pm
Proje danışmanlığını Pınar Turhan'ın yaptığı, benim de yardımcılığını yaptığım İFSAK 169ncu Temel Eğitim Dönemi kursiyerlerinin projesi "Seyyar" konulu serginin açılışı 13 Ekim 2012 Cumartesi saat 16....
More nikon full frame makinalar related news:
For Sale Nikon Lenses 25 Feb 2012 | 08:24 am
I’ve been thinking to upgrade my camera to Nikon full frame (FX format) body J Not that I have money ready to be spent now, but just getting ready for the idea. I realized that out of four Nikon lense...
Nikon’un yeni objektifi Nikkor 18-140mm F3.5-5.6G ED VR 16 Aug 2013 | 04:48 pm
Nikon amatör fotoğrafçılar için yeni objektif duyurusunu yaptı. Yeni objektifi DX formattaki gövdeler için kullanılacak. Gerçi Nikon Full frame gövdeler DX format gibi de kullanılabildiğinden tüm gövd...
The Nikon D800/D800E Crams 36.3 Megapixels Into an FX Format DSLR 8 Feb 2012 | 02:09 am
Nikon has pushed the limits of photography and camera many times, today they have reached 36.3-Megapixel mark with the announcement of the D800 and D800E FX format DLSR’s.The full frame camera 800 wil...
Crop Factor & Field of View (FOV) 26 Aug 2007 | 02:00 am
Oleh kerana kebanyakan DSLR sensor lebih kecil dari saiz filem 35mm, crop factor yang digunakan oleh jenama Nikon sebagai contoh, didalam pembikinan DSLR mereka ialah 1.5x kecuali D3, Full Frame 35mm ...
Nikon 17-35mm f2.8 vs Nikon 14mm f2.8 3 Apr 2011 | 10:26 am
Сегодня у меня была возможность сравнить 2 широкоугольных объектива: Nikon 17-35мм f2.8 и Nikon 14мм f2.8. Оба под full frame, причем примерно из одной ценовой категории: Nikkor 17-35mm – $1769, Nikko...
WTS: Nikon 28-200mm f/3.5-5.6 AF-D 21 Mar 2012 | 03:55 pm
I have to let go this lens for this Camera. Sigh... In very good condition (A+). Used once. Unfilled warranty card. Full-frame lens Can be used on film (i.e nikon FM2) and digital cameras (on moto...
Nikon Unveils D3x 24.5MP Digital SLR 1 Dec 2008 | 08:01 pm
Nikon has announced the D3x, its newest full frame professional DSLR. With 24.5 megapixel sensor the D3x has double the resolution of the sports / news oriented D3 model. The Nikon D3x aimed at commer...
Nikon دوربين های 36 مگاپيکسلی D800 و D800E را معرفی کرد 9 Feb 2012 | 09:19 am
Nikon دوربين های جديد 36 مگاپيکسلی Full-Frame DSLR را در دو مدل D800 و D800E معرفی کرد. اين دوربين های فوق العاده که جايگزين سری D700 خواهند شد، از لحاظ رزلشون عکس ها حتی از دوربين D3X نيز قويتر هستند...
Nikon D600 specs, features, and more 24 May 2012 | 01:52 pm
The Nikon D600 is the brand new full-frame sensor equipped DSLR from Nikon, and will be the cheapest full frame camera the company makes to date. The Nikon D600 will use the same type of sensor found ...
Nikon D600 image leaked 15 Jun 2012 | 07:20 am
The Nikon D600 will be the cheapest full frame DSLR when it launches later this year. Many have speculated what kind of features the Nikon D600 will feature, and some also wondered what it would look ...