Most node.js hosting related news are at:

使用 Oauth-Plugin 與 Devise 建置 OAuth2 伺服器 22 Apr 2013 | 07:05 am
其實,這是一篇掃雷文(誤 大約半年前(根據某人開 Issue 的記錄,是 7 個月之前)我也嘗試過安裝 oauth-plugin 來建置 OAuth2 伺服器,但是因為長達好幾小時 400 Bad Request 最後受不了而放棄。 這次,除了順利挑戰 Invalid OAuth Request 之外,從 400 甚至 401 都挑戰的我,終於戰勝了地雷啊! 事不宜遲,讓我們開始進行這一連串...
SITCON 2013 會後心得 21 Mar 2013 | 07:03 am
雖然有點晚了,不過真的是很忙啊(趴 畢竟老師這學期順利使出作業 Combo 一個接一個做,只好在這個分心已經回不去的時候多加利用時間寫一下了! SITCON - 學生計算機年會 這算是我第一次參與籌備吧,雖然過去當過幾次其他年會的志工,不過還是第一次全程參與下來。 雖然有點可惜,我幾乎沒有聽到議程,但是還是要來說說參與的心得跟經歷。 大概是半年前的事情了,當大家開始討論與打算要籌辦屬於學...
More node.js hosting related news:
Playing with Nodester 7 Apr 2011 | 11:24 pm
Nodester is an “open source Node.js hosting platform built on a RESTful API running in the cloud”. It means that you request a nodester account, install node and npm on your PC and in minutes you can ...
Node.js Hosting Solutions 13 Aug 2012 | 09:10 pm
Node.js is growing like crazy, and with that popularity comes companies offering platforms to host those applications. The ecosystem is still young, but below is a list of the companies I've found tha...
Node.js Hosting Platform Modulus Goes Public Beta 12 Dec 2012 | 09:43 pm
After several months of invite only access, the Node.js hosting platform Modulus has opened its doors to everyone. Modulus is a full-featured Node.js platform service that provides support for WebSoc...
Node.js 的简易web服务器 20 Nov 2011 | 01:57 am
网上关于Node.js的介绍已经铺天盖地了,但我就没找到一个简单的web服务器给我做测试用。 实际上Node.js只需要一个exe文件和一个js文件就可以搭建服务器了,用来随便测试页面之类的用起来比nginx还方便。所以我就随手写了一个简单的。只可用于http服务,没有更多功能的js文件。 用起来很简单: 1,先去下载最新的Node.js可执行的exe文...
NODE 发起 POST 请求 8 May 2012 | 03:22 pm
用 NODE JS 向 NODE 处理 POST 请求 发起 POST 请求。
NODE 处理 POST 请求 8 May 2012 | 03:17 pm
FROM: node.js 接收post请求 代码实现了一个登录验证用户。FORM 的 enctype 属性使用的是默认的 application/x-www-form-urlencoded,如果要上传文件的话则需要设置为 multipart/form-data。
Grouping “constants” with JavaScript 15 Jul 2010 | 02:10 am
A while ago I wrote about how you can group related constants in PHP5 by using a constants class: Now, while experimenting with JavaScript (or more precisely with Node.js) I got some constants in my ...
Javascript on the server AND the client is not a big deal 31 Mar 2011 | 10:09 am
All the cool kids love Node.js. I’ve used it a little, and it’s fine; I was able to do what I wanted to do, and it wasn’t particularly painful. It’s fun to use something new, and it’s relatively strai...
Лимит исходящих запросов в node.js 28 Nov 2011 | 11:10 am
Если Вы используете node.js для выполнения асинхронных запросов в большом количестве, то могли столкнуться с проблемой, что они стоят в очереди из 5 штук. Документация по http.request и поиск не дал б...
Nodejitsu and Joyent Cloud Join Forces to Deliver Node.js Infrastructure and Orchestration Tools to Fast Growing Developer Base 2 Apr 2012 | 07:00 pm
SAN FRANCISCO, CA and NEW YORK, NY–Joyent Cloud, the public cloud designed for real-time, high-performance applications, and Nodejitsu, provider of cloud management software and enterprise development...