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Sisäpiiririkoksesta tuomitulla pörssipomolla on vankilassa oma palvelija 27 Aug 2013 | 04:56 pm
... ja säädettävä sänky, ja parveke...
Uusi täräytys hintakiistassa: "Operaattorit käyttävät tilannetta räikeästi hyväkseen" 27 Aug 2013 | 04:48 pm
Suomalaiset haastajaoperaattorit kertovat jakavansa viestintäviraston huolen Suomen viestintämarkkinoiden vääristyneestä kehityksestä.
More nokia and microsoft related news:
Nokia Lumia 900 2 Mar 2012 | 10:39 pm
Nokia Lumia 900 A lot had to happen for gigantic companies Nokia and Microsoft to become plucky underdogs in the smartphone field, but the combined effort to recapture former glories was hugely evide...
Microsoft, Nokia Should Steal BlackBerry Users: Analyst 6 Apr 2012 | 06:02 pm
How can Nokia and Microsoft score the homerun they need with the Nokia Lumia 900, the pair’s first flagship smartphone, which AT&T will begin selling April 8? Convert over all current Symbian users, a...
Nokia Lumia 610 can’t install Angry Birds, Skype, and more 30 May 2012 | 02:09 pm
(Credit: Nokia ) Nokia and Microsoft have run into problems with the new Nokia Lumia 610. While trying to avoid the fragmentation issues faced by Android, Windows Phone has properly shot itself in th...
Nokia Dan Microsoft Bergabung Menjadi MicroKIA 12 Feb 2011 | 09:55 am
Di saat beberapa platform smartphone makin menunjukkan dominasinya, Nokia yang selama ini menjadi raja ponsel malah makin redup. Laporan keuangan terakhir Nokia yang dipublikasikan beberapa hari yang ...
Kenapa saham nokia jeblok setelah kawin kaget dengan Microsoft 17 Feb 2011 | 08:12 am
Bagi yang membaca berita perkawinan microsoft nokia dan membaca betapa hebatnya perkawinan di surga antara keduanya, tentu akan disajikan data2 fantastis kenapa ini menguntungkan nokia dan microsoft. ...
Nokia ušla u partnerstvo sa Microsoft-om 12 Feb 2011 | 01:04 am
Izvešni direktor kompanije Nokia Stephen Elop danas je i službeno objavio suradnju između kompanija Nokia i Microsoft na osnovu koje će Nokia uređaji od sada kao primarni operativni sistem koristiti W...
Microsoft ha pagato 1 miliardo di dollari per l’accordo con Nokia 9 Mar 2011 | 06:44 am
Ebbene sì, avete letto proprio bene! Dopo l’annuncio ufficiale della collaborazione tra Nokia e Microsoft, arrivano le prime cifre da capogiro. Pare che Microsoft abbia versato circa 1 miliardo di do...
Navigating with the Nokia Lumia 800 26 Dec 2011 | 04:57 am
The Lumia 800 is the first Windows Phone from Nokia, and it is a make or break device for both Nokia and Microsoft in the smartphone market. Both companies have been struggling to keep a footing in th...
Nokia Lumia 610 can’t install Angry Birds, Skype, and more 30 May 2012 | 07:09 pm
(Credit: Nokia ) Nokia and Microsoft have run into problems with the new Nokia Lumia 610 . While trying to avoid the fragmentation issues faced by Android , Windows Phone has properly shot itself in t...
Nokia, Microsoft Launch New Software to Challenge BlackBerry 19 May 2010 | 04:46 am
Nokia and Microsoft today unveiled the first application from their partnership, aiming to break the dominance of Research in Motion's BlackBerry devices in wireless services for corporations.