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PHP 5.3.1 安装包 VC9 VC6 区别是什么 10 Dec 2010 | 11:03 pm
Moocky.Mark's Blog ( ) : 原文地址不详,网站同样的文章太多了! 想更新个PHP的版本,PHP的windows版本已经分离出来了,见,但是上面有很多不同的版本,包括VC9, VC6, x86 Non Thread Safe, x86 Thread Safe, 好...
在win2003下使用iis6+fastcgi+php+mysql 17 Feb 2011 | 06:02 am
1、安装IIS6 2、php,vc9 非线程版本(Non Thread Safe) php的安装 a、把下载回来的压缩包解压缩到 C:\\php5 目录。 b...
PHP 5.3.1 安装包 VC9 VC6 区别是什么 10 Dec 2010 | 03:03 pm
Moocky.Mark's Blog ( ) : 原文地址不详,网站同样的文章太多了! 想更新个PHP的版本,PHP的windows版本已经分离出来了,见,但是上面有很多不同的版本,包括VC9, VC6, x86 Non Thread Safe, x86 Thread Safe, 好...
How to Identify Which Request Caused a Runaway Thread, Using Windbg 7 May 2013 | 02:26 pm
When your w3wp process is stuck at 100% like, like when I used a non-thread-safe Dictionary concurrently, you may want to identify what request the runaway thread is actually serving. Let me show you ...
PHP-YAZ 1.1.5 for PHP 5.3.27 Win32 24 Jul 2013 | 08:21 am
I've compiled PHP-YAZ extension version 1.1.5 that compiled inside PHP 5.3.27 using YAZ version 4.2.62 for Windows 32bit. Available in two version, Thread Safe and Non Thread Safe. To install this ext...
PHP-YAZ 1.1.5 for PHP 5.4.17 Win32 24 Jul 2013 | 08:42 am
I've compiled PHP-YAZ extension version 1.1.5 that compiled inside PHP 5.4.17 using YAZ version 4.2.62 for Windows 32bit. Available in two version, Thread Safe and Non Thread Safe. To install this ext...
PHP-YAZ 1.1.5 for PHP 5.5.1 Win32 24 Jul 2013 | 10:59 am
I've compiled PHP-YAZ extension version 1.1.5 that compiled inside PHP 5.5.1 using YAZ version 4.2.62 for Windows 32bit. Available in two version, Thread Safe and Non Thread Safe. To install this exte...
Installing APC (3.1.6) on WAMP (64 bit) 26 Mar 2011 | 11:41 am
My dev machine has 64bit wampserver installed on windows 7 (MSVC9 (Visual C++ 2008) , Thread Safe, x64). I wanted a caching solution that works well with this setup – As of this writing, APC is the on...
Vala singletons 1 Apr 2010 | 01:34 am
Just as a matter of interest I asked Juergbi of a way to write a singleton in vala. He proposed the following not-intended to be thread safe method of writing a simple singleton in vala. class Foo { ...
Instalando o PHP 5.3.x – x86 – VC9 – Thread Safe no Windows 7 2 Jul 2011 | 11:42 am
Está é a 2ª etapa de um total de três etapas de um super tutorial que aborda a instalação individual do Apache2.2, PHP5.3.x, e Mysql5.5.x, etapas essas que descrevi em uma breve introdução na postage...