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合理使用最佳實踐指南 25 Aug 2013 | 04:32 am
美國研究圖書館學會 (Association of Research Libraries, ARL) 去年(2012)元月推出了一份合理使用最佳實踐指南:Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Academic and Research Libraries (pdf),希望對於合理使用提供圖書館員一個明確和易於使用的陳述。 Nalsi 在第一時間就做了簡短的...
圖書館提供自拍服務 24 Aug 2013 | 04:28 am
還記得大頭貼機嗎? 相信很多人都曾經跟情人或三五好友玩過大頭貼機,只要挑選好喜歡的背景圖片大頭貼機,拍完後立刻可以洗(印)出照片,每人拿了照片後可以留著紀念。 圖片來源:wikipedia 不過這幾年似乎比較少看到這些大頭機店面了,看看下面這則電視新聞報導吧 不論是大頭貼機還是手機APP的自拍,這類活動始...
More nook ebook 中文 related news:
30 free ebooks to every new user of Nook 4 Jul 2011 | 08:11 pm
Nook Ebook Reader Fighting in the market of ebook readers is exacerbated. The American company Barnes & Noble gives a 2GB microSD card with 30 free ebooks to every new user of Nook, which previous...
Nook ebook reader market shares 26 Feb 2011 | 05:59 am
Since Amazon is still not officially reported how many of the Kindle ebook are sold, suggesting that competing airlines also have reason to do so. As a result, anyone can tell us something like about ...
Nook May Spin Off – Barnes & Noble Shares Drop 6 Jan 2012 | 03:06 pm
On news of falling storefront sales, Barnes & Noble announced plans that may include creating a company solely for it’s Nook ebook reader business. While Amazon owns the best ebook to buy title, by vi...
The quick and simple guide on Hacking your Kindle & Nook ebooks 18 Jan 2011 | 09:00 pm
The ultimate guide about jailbreaking(removing the DRM) your Kindle & Nook ebooks for your Kindle, Nook and Mobipocket ebooks is to be found over here. Or you could skip the drama and get down to it w...
Kindle, Nook ebooks of Toddler 411 4th edition now out! 3 Aug 2012 | 10:10 pm
Got a Kindle? Nook? Toddler 411 4e is now available as an ebook for both of these e-readers! Click here for: Amazon Kindle version of Toddler 411 ebook. Barnes & Noble Nook version of Toddler 411 eboo...
Kindle, Nook ebooks of Toddler 411 4th edition now out! 3 Aug 2012 | 10:10 pm
Got a Kindle? Nook? Toddler 411 4e is now available as an ebook for both of these e-readers! Click here for: Amazon Kindle version of Toddler 411 ebook. Barnes & Noble Nook version of Toddler 411 eboo...
Barnes & Noble Gründer macht Rückzieher; Neuer Nook eBook Reader noch im Herbst 26 Aug 2013 | 08:15 pm
In der Vergangenheit wurde gemutmaßt, dass Barnes & Noble Gründer und Mehrheitseigentümer Leonard Riggio planen würde, die Retail-Sparte des Unternehmes zu kaufen. Am Nook Geschäft hatte er laut diver...
Best Buys in Books, Tablets and Readers 15 Jul 2013 | 03:53 pm
Welcome to this week's issue of the Shop4Books newsletter. We start with offering books in all formats at low prices, our current limited offers in NOOK ebooks and ereaders, top new books from the Boo...
Did You Know It’s FREE to Publish an eBook on Amazon’s Kindle, Barnes and Apple? 28 May 2012 | 05:09 pm
Learn more at: http:/ Did you know it’s FREE to publish DIRECTLY on Amazon’s Kindle, Barnes & Noble’s Nook, Apple’s iBookstore, and others? In this short Video, Pat shares his enthusi...
Kobo eBook Reader Video Review 26 May 2010 | 01:42 am
Here's an excellent review of the upcoming Borders 'Kobo' eBook reader by retired journalist Len Edgerly, with some comparisons to Amazon's Kindle and the Barnes and Noble Nook: The Kobo is set for r...