Most normalcy bias related news are at:

Now The IRS Is Targeting The American Legion 27 Aug 2013 | 09:45 am
Sheesh! Just when you thought the IRS couldn’t get any worse you find out they are going after a veteran’s group. But I guess this is just another one of those phony scandals President Obama and his c...
Obama Admin Sues Louisiana For Helping Minorities Go To Better Schools 27 Aug 2013 | 09:33 am
Last week President Obama toured the northeast touting his plans for education in the United States. While in New York he failed to mention how many kids failed the state tests after implementation of...
More normalcy bias related news:
Digitizing my cold hard cash at Coinstar for a gift card and a woman (but mostly a gift card) #NOFEECoinstar #CBias 3 Apr 2012 | 01:15 am
Due to my awesomeness, I have been paid (at Coinstar’s request) to try and blog about Coinstar’s products/services as part of a Collective Bias shopper insights study. All opinions are my own, but I a...
Expanding the diversity of your blog 26 Jun 2009 | 01:09 am
Seeing one persons, or one organizations perspective on a subject all the time isn’t really a healthy way to get information. This is when bias ideas form, and is unhealthy for a community. This is ...
Sarasota Real Estate Market Data Continues to Improve 19 Sep 2011 | 10:53 am
The Sarasota Florida real estate market continues to improve and is “trending toward normalcy” according to a press release issued by the Sarasota Association of Realtors for August 2011 sales figures...
Carzy Girl Shin Bia 29 Mar 2011 | 08:23 pm
Tough, lazy, money lover, yet beautiful high school student named Shin Bia. While she's thinking about the eras she suddenly falls into that ancient time period! She had to transform into an elegant l...
toon porn katara avatar 24 Dec 2008 | 09:07 pm
Tags: toon porn katara avatar Kelly & Bia Hearing a bitch scream when she’s got a big cock buried deep in her ass always tells you that the fucking is for real and you’re about to hear one of thes...
Asian-American soldiers endure bias 21 Feb 2012 | 09:16 pm
You’d think with all the Jeremy Linsanity going on we’d be entering a new and better phase of racial tolerance in America. Uhhh…maybe not. Change isn’t going to come overnight. But the frightening t...
Stillness is a Powerful Action 25 Mar 2010 | 10:00 am
It's a bias of our culture that stillness is regarded as lazy, as being stuck in inaction, as a negative. It's not. It’s an action, and a powerful one. What’s more, it can change your day, and...
Temaram HarapaN 30 Jan 2009 | 12:51 pm
Kupandangi lagi langit yang sepi tanpa gemerlap bintang & bias remang rembulan, rasa dingin seakan membuatku beku dalam kesenyapan yang tiada menentu. Kuhanya bisa terdiam dalam himpitan pertanyaan ya...
The importance of building and leveraging a social reputation 28 Jan 2012 | 09:01 am
Joan Jett might not give a damn about her bad reputation (old reference, I know). But for us Charismos, our social reputation and our ability to leverage it is our life blood. I’ve noticed a bias in ...
Pentingnya Wanita Menjaga Keperawanan 1 May 2012 | 10:34 pm
Di zaman modern ini, Wanita kini seolah tak peduli dengan kata perawan. Pengaruh informasi yang mudah diakses, lingkungan seks bebas yang berkembang, seakan membuat tahta wanita ini menjadi barang bia...