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This article on addressing difficulties in blogging for money is written by, TJ Philpott is an author and Internet entrepreneur based out of North Carolina. Blogging for money can be quite a test on y...
North Texas Christian Academy Teacher, Julianna Sauls, charged with Sexual Assault 25 Nov 2008 | 04:38 am
Julianna Sauls Julianna Sauls, an Algebra teacher at Azle Christian Academy, has been arrested for allegedly stalking and attempting to sexually assault a student. The unnerving part is that police ...
Pastor Ed Young, Wife to Stream Time in Bed on the Internet 27 Feb 2012 | 09:45 pm
Click the Picture to View the Article The North Texas pastor who once challenged his congregation, will now spend 24 hours in bed with his wife and stream it live on the Internet. Fellowship Church ...
North Texas Homes Market Update 15 Jan 2009 | 06:31 am
Here Yee — Here Yee – All of you wanting to purchase a Frisco Texas Home or McKinney House, now be the time to come of the fence. Mortgage rates are now at thirty year lows and Do not listen to the me...
North Texas Housing Misconceptions 16 Nov 2008 | 06:43 am
If you have read all the doom and gloom in the national media you may tend to be drawn to lump North Texas Real Estate and Housing into the mix. We’ll lets not be too quick to judge, in cities like Al...
New To Blogging 17 Jul 2008 | 09:32 am
Let me take a minute to let you guys know a little about myself and who we are. My name is Mark Kale and I am Team Leader at what we are shaping up to become the preeminent North Texas Real Estate Te...
I Remember Mama 23 Feb 2012 | 12:23 pm
My grandmother grew up on a farm outside a small town in North Texas. Life brought its mountain tops and heartaches across her path and her response to those experiences made her into a strong, compas...
doctors hospital dallas 7 Aug 2011 | 03:36 pm
About doctors, hospitals in Dallas TX. In north Texas one of Americas largest cities is located here. There is a very large medical community located within the Dallas and fort Worth Metroplex. Some ...
Physiscians Doctors and Surgeons Dallas 4 Aug 2011 | 03:18 pm
Find surgeons, physicians and doctors in Dallas Tx as well as Fort Worth, the Denton area and really any where in the North Texas region. This is the best place to find doctors all over the entire Dal...
Chili North Texas Red 20 Jun 2011 | 06:32 am
Dags att dra igång bloggen igen. Första inlägget på länge och det blir Chili för hela slanten. Riktig chili ska göras på Högrev, den ska inte innehålla några bönor (de serveras vid sidan av), ej helle...