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Epic Plunge Pool Game 14 Apr 2011 | 09:01 pm
This flash game was required for a student website, to promote the Norwegian Epic Plunge Waterslide. Lemonaise took the provided designs and put together an addictive flash game, including the facilit...
Opciones de restaurantes y bares en el nuevo Norwegian Epic 8 Apr 2010 | 05:10 pm
NCL ofrecerá en su mayor y más innovador barco, el Norwegian Epic, un gran número de opciones de restauración -11 de un total de 21- incluidas en el precio del pasaje del crucero. Las restantes 10 opc...
WINNER ANNOUNCED! We are very excited to announce the winner of the Norwegian Epic Cruise Giveaway in conjunction with the 2011 National Tours of Cirque Dreams Holidaze. Registrants were given an opp...
Norwegian Epic Freestyle Dining and Family Fun 8 Apr 2009 | 01:22 am
Miami - Apr 3, 2009 --- Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL) today revealed another industry first to debut on its next generation of Freestyle Cruising ship, Norwegian Epic, which will include an expansive Aq...
Norwegian Epic to Feature Largest Ship-Within-A-Ship Suite Complex at Sea, Innovative New Studios 26 Mar 2009 | 05:23 am
NCL's largest Freestyle Cruising ship to offer range of accommodations to suit every type of guest Miami - Mar 18, 2009 --- Norwegian Epic, NCL's largest Freestyle Cruising ship to date, set for del...
NCL Names F3 Norwegian Epic; Announces Inaugural Season Itineraries 30 Jan 2009 | 04:13 am
Miami - Jan 27, 2009 --- Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL) today announced that it has selected the name for its new F3 ship: Norwegian Epic. Just as the name implies, the ship will be the largest and most ...
Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL) Names New F3 ship: Norwegian Epic 27 Jan 2009 | 10:00 am
Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL) today announced that it has selected the name for its new F3 ship: Norwegian Epic. Just as the name implies, the ship will be the largest and most innovative Freestyle Crui...
Singles Thanksgiving 2012 15 Jun 2012 | 09:04 am
Spend your Thanksgiving onboard the fabulous Norwegian Epic with other singles. You’ll stay in studios designed specifically for the single traveler, with exclusive access to the Studio Lounge. No mor...
Karibik-Bonus-Woche bei NCL 27 Aug 2013 | 12:57 pm
Wer zwischen dem 28. August und 3. September eine Karibikkreuzfahrt der Saison 2013/14 ab sieben Nächten an Bord der Norwegian Breakaway, Norwegian Epic, Norwegian Sun und Norwegian Gem oder eine Kari...
The Features of the Epic Cruise Ship 22 Jul 2013 | 08:00 pm
The Epic cruise ship is an alternative name for the Norwegian Epic, the largest cruise ship (at least until the Breakaway and Breakaway Plus are built) in the Norwegian Cruise Line fleet. In our previ...