Most not responding still trying nfs related news are at:

Useful commands to extract packages 18 May 2012 | 06:29 pm
Useful commands to extract packages: To extract a *.tar file: tar xvf package.tar To extract a *.cpio.Z file: zcat package.cpio.Z | cpio -idmV To extract a *.gz file: gunzip package.gz To extra...
How To Detach Mirror in Solaris – Script 13 Apr 2012 | 01:57 pm
How to detach mirror disks in Solaris? Assuming we us SVM, we normally do this like this, manually: metastat -c d0 (verify disk components) eeprom bood-device (further verify the boot disk) synch; ...
More not responding still trying nfs related news:
TWEET TWEET! 12 Feb 2012 | 07:39 am
I tried a fun little experiment where I tweeted out a number to a phone I had. There were so many awesome people that called and texted me, it was crazy! I'm still responding to some texts and keeping...
More on Thunderbolt network adapters in Win 8 Boot Camp 22 Aug 2013 | 12:58 pm
Sami Ahlgren responded to a previous post suggesting a fix for problems with Thunderbold devices not working with a Mac running Windows 8 vial Boot Camp: I have tried this option and still my Thunderb...
Feeding the trolls again 23 Aug 2013 | 12:34 am
Despite trying not to, I still sometimes make comments on different articles or respond to stuff online. I know, I need a hobby. A couple of days ago Dr. Phil posted a tweet. With all the re...