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Bella’s Lullaby : Twilight 19 Apr 2010 | 07:15 pm
Una delle canzoni più richieste su internet da suonare sul pianoforte è proprio quella di Twilight intitolata Bella’s Lullaby. Si tratta di una graziosa ninna nanna colonna sonora del film di successo...
Baciami ancora : Jovanotti 3 Apr 2010 | 11:11 am
Gli spartiti per pianoforte più ricercati su internet qui in Italia sono proprio quelli di Jovanotti che è molto amato soprattutto dai giovani pianisti e ascoltatori. Dopo il clamoroso successo dello ...
More note piano imagine related news:
Remembering Andrew Markow 5 Jul 2013 | 01:52 am
Sad news from Toronto - the noted piano teacher and author Andrew Markow died Tuesday evening. Andy was a friend and colleague to many at the Royal Conservatory and will be fondly remembered. In parti...
Steinway & Sons embraces BI to ensure it continues to hit the high notes 22 Aug 2013 | 12:00 pm
Piano manufacturer Steinway & Sons is using PrecisionPoint business intelligence software to gain unprecedented insight into sales and inventory from its Microsoft Dynamics Navision (NAV) ERP solution...
Pianos in Public Buffalo hits high note 27 Aug 2013 | 06:57 pm
Pianos in Public Buffalo has been making music in Buffalo for the last three months. Pianos are decorated and placed in popular places around the city. YNN's Jon Dougherty talked with the creator to f...
Time Travel Vacation – 6 Ways to Vacation in the Past without a Time Machine 30 May 2011 | 10:03 pm
Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Eric Watermolen from Eden Journal. Imagine a future where time travel is possible. We are free to travel backward in time to any point in history. Where would...
Learning to Play Piano 8 May 2012 | 03:37 pm
Learning to play piano begin with the basic elements of music consisting of notes, intervals, chords, scales, and modes. This is accomplished by developing the ears and eyes to identify musical patter...
Calculate the essentials of protection 29 May 2012 | 01:33 am
Imagine that you had a machine that pumped out $100 notes. Would you insure this miracle device? You’d be nuts not to. Well, that is analogous to what the main breadwinner in a family does, points out...
Writing As Therapy: Preserving My Story and Yours 4 Apr 2012 | 01:36 am
I’ve always enjoyed writing. And even talking about writing. There’s a certain romance there. The imagined luxury of a recluse sitting in a plush velvet chair, scribbling hand written notes onto pie...
Helpful tips for Piano For Beginners 1 May 2012 | 06:12 am
Classes that involve piano for novices would come with an introduction to reading and comprehending the keys, chords and the way to read musical notes. The piano is unlike every other instrument and s...
Perfect Piano 5.1 apk 11 May 2012 | 09:48 pm
Perfect Piano Use this app to learn accurately notes of the piano with realistic piano sound. 1. Support Full Keyboads of Piano. 2. Single Row Mode. 3. Dual Row Mode. 4. Multi-Touch(Android 2.1 o...
Music Is Merely 12 Notes 16 Nov 2009 | 08:16 am
Probably the single most important mantra for any composer – at any level – is that music is merely 12 notes. If you look at the piano, there are only 12 notes between any octave. After those 12 notes...