Most notes on arab orthodoxy related news are at:
Fr Georges Massouh on the Attacks on Copts in Egypt 21 Aug 2013 | 09:07 pm
Arabic original here. Tertullian of Carthage (d. 240), one of the great apologists for Christianity, described that condition of oppressed Christians under the Roman Empire before it recognized their...
Carol Saba on Arab Democracy 20 Aug 2013 | 04:54 pm
Originally published in an-Nahar August 13, 2013. Arabic original available here. Is There a Coming Arab Renaissance? "Our wars over heaven have caused us to lose the earth!" This visionary statemen...
More notes on arab orthodoxy related news:
Unduh: VerbAce Pro 1.0.5 (Arabic-English+Indonesia Dictionary) 19 Apr 2012 | 09:24 pm
Tautan Download: VerbAce Pro 1.0.5 (5 MB) Cara Instalasi: Sama seperti proses instalasi software-software lainnya, tinggal next, next, dan next. Untuk kode lisensi, sudah saya cantumkan di note yang ...
Exit the Israel alibi 2 Feb 2011 | 12:20 am
The Arabs are making the big shift from the culture of victimhood to one of self-empowerment. One way to measure the immense distance traveled by Arabs over the past month is to note the one big subj...
My First Notes 28 Dec 2010 | 11:32 pm
Alhamdulillaah… blog baru saya udah jadi, “ahsanurosyid” is my baby’s name…, 2,5 month. his birthday at October, 14 2010. well.. dia dipanggil “AHSAN” artinya paling baik (in arabic). Nama lengkapnya ...
(Daftaree) Startup Arab blog hosting 16 Dec 2011 | 02:07 pm
Blogging is the thing we do every day .. If I looked through the notebook or sticky notes on the table in front of you, which you will find that you written: what you will do and what I did, something...
Arab times article May 8th 10 May 2010 | 05:02 pm
A discordant note THE band would have sounded great but for the fact that there was one trumpet badly out of tune with the other instruments. As the music played on, I could not help wince as the rog...
Le Saint Coran 24 Aug 2008 | 10:39 am
Note : cliquez ici pour le Saint Coran en français, en anglais et en arabe avec un moteur de recherche pour aller directement au verset souhaité... Le Saint Coran en français Voici pour votre lectur...
Beijing and the Arab Revolt 25 Feb 2011 | 06:23 am
Bret Stephens 2/22/2011 Seen from a distance, the Arab revolts of 2011 all seem connected and broadly similar. Yet Stephens notes that on closer inspection, the convulsing states of the Arab world a...
Repetitive Swipe Injury — Challenging Design Conventions Within Tablet Publications 19 Jul 2012 | 07:31 am
These are the notes from a presentation I delivered at the 2nd Message Symposium Against Orthodoxy: Why Publish? back in April of this year. Introduction Children ask great questions. Each present us ...
Repetitive Swipe Injury — Challenging Design Conventions Within Tablet Publications 19 Jul 2012 | 07:31 am
These are the notes from a presentation I delivered at the 2nd Message Symposium Against Orthodoxy: Why Publish? back in April of this year. Introduction Children ask great questions. Each present us ...
From Biro to Syukbah 8 Aug 2012 | 01:17 pm
It is interesting to note on our habit of naming something. Muslim in Malaysia particularly, always prefers Arabic terms. Putting a good Arabic name to our children is a good thing, but does not neces...