Most notion ink eve related news are at:

Did mobile sleuths uncover Nokia’s new MeeGo tablet? 25 Jan 2011 | 04:48 am
A pic of the MeeGo vido player Nokia’s MeeGo platform had us impressed during last year’s Computex and we’ve been itching to see some more. Now thanks to some Nokia fanatics at Mobile Review, we may ...
Review of the Hanvon Rollick 0604 graphics tablet 27 Oct 2010 | 02:25 am
Is the Hanvon Rollick graphics tablet a better alternative to Wacom? Reviewed by Henry Canizares. Inexpensive battery-free pen tablet for carpal tunnel discomfort. A few weeks ago I started to feel...
More notion ink eve related news:
Tablet ICD Ultra 21 Dec 2009 | 12:23 pm
Коль скоро смартбук фирмы Notion Ink кое-кому привидится очень "навороченным", хотя хочется чего-то аналогичного, то у него есть возможность устроить свой выбор в пользу иного гаджета - Tablet ICD Ult...
Tegra T20 GPS и OS Android 21 Dec 2009 | 12:18 pm
Любопытное приспособление предположила фирма Notion Ink - смартпад под управлением OS Android и неанонсированным чипсетом NVIDIA Tegra T20, способным воспроизводить Full HD видео с разрешением 1080p н...
Notion Ink’s Adam , Apple’s iPad Killer.Really?(Comparison) 23 Feb 2010 | 10:57 am
You people would have heard about Ipad recently being announced by Apple. It is expected to be the breakthrough in the E-Business works especially helping you to read documents and ebook just like you...
Notion Ink confirms Adam II 21 Jan 2012 | 10:18 pm
Although the Adam I was not up to the standards of the current market, Notion Ink have confirmed that they would be developing Adam II. Equipped with Android 4.0, an OMAP44xx processor, Wi-Link 7.0, a...
India's First Official Tablet - OlivePad 9 Aug 2010 | 02:16 pm
With the iPad yet to be officially launched in India and the Notion Ink Adam taking it's sweet time, Olive Telecom launched India's first official tablet - the OlivePad VT100. The OlivePad is availabl...
Notion Ink Adam Unboxing – The XDA Way 24 Feb 2012 | 06:40 pm
Notion Ink partners with Texas Instruments 21 Jan 2012 | 08:33 am
Press Release Notion Ink partners with Texas Instruments 21 January 2012, Bangalore Notion Ink has partnered with Texas Instruments (TI) Incorporated for its next generation Adam II Tablets. Adam I...
Adam II il nuovo tablet Android di Notion Ink 15 May 2013 | 09:02 pm
Ha avuto una gestazione di diversi anni, ma poi finalmente ha trovato la luce. Stiamo parlando del nuov tablet della Notion Ink, che al National Technology Awards svoltosi in India; ha svelato la seco...
Notion Ink’s to Launch two screen displays tablet 14 May 2013 | 01:50 am
The new technology innovation Notion Ink company is going to launch the Tab Adam II next month, with a unique design that has two displays. Notion Ink’s spokeperson told to the NextBigWhat that the de...
Stylish Pens from Parker Ingenuity and They Do Write 17 Dec 2011 | 10:01 pm
This post brought to you by Parker Pens. All opinions are 100% mine. Top of the Line in Ink Pens How often do we see a nice, stylish pen with all the great modern looks, but the darn thing won’t eve...