Most noviny sme related news are at:

Jozef Mikloško navrhuje odsúdiť prenasledovanie kresťanov v Egypte 27 Aug 2013 | 04:54 pm
Vláda a prezident by sa mali podľa poslanca KDH vo svete prihovárať za ukončenie represií voči kresťanom.
Druhé pátranie po dôkazoch chemického útoku preložili na stredu 27 Aug 2013 | 04:41 pm
Podľa sýrskeho šéfa diplomacie nemôžu inšpektori do Damasku pre nezhody povstalcov ohľadne bezpečnosti.
More noviny sme related news:
2010 GDA: Blatant Payoff by SME? 22 Jun 2011 | 08:27 am
When the Golden Disk Award 2010 aired last 9th December, much debate came about as to the winners of the Disk Daesang Award and YEPP Popularity Award... 2010 Disk Daesang Award Winner: SNSD 2010 YEP...
Supernatural na Wikipedii 21 Nov 2009 | 07:14 am
dnes som ostala sokovana, ked som zistila, ze ani na slovenskej, ani na ceskej verzii tejto "encyklopedie" sa nevyskytuje Supernatural! sme predsa nejaky fans no nie? tak s tym podme nieco urobit!
Violent Séïsme et Tsunami au Japon 11 Mar 2011 | 08:49 pm
Un très violent séisme, de magnitude 8,8, a eu lieu vendredi au large de la côte nord-est du Japon, faisant de nombreux blessés et déclenchant un tsunami de quatre mètres, rapportent la chaîne NHK et ...
StreetDance prichádza do kín v 3D 5 Jul 2010 | 04:13 am
Toto leto sa to len tak hemží tínedžersky obľúbenými filmami. Pred nedávnom sme tu mali Twilight Zatmenie, teraz tu máme StreetDance. Ten nás poctí 3D rozmerom, ktorý podľa prvých reakcíí návštevníkov...
Google to help India get your business online 3 Nov 2011 | 04:46 pm
Google on Wednesday announced an initiative to help small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in India to expand and connect with their consumers online with a free website. Called ‘India Get Your Business ...
Ali et Amo, frères siamois du bongoïsme 28 Sep 2009 | 05:34 pm
Interview publiée dans l’hebdomadaire gabonais La loupe à la fin de la campagne pour l’élection présidentielle d’août 2009. Alphonse Ongouo, le patron du journal, a pris la liberté de ne publier que l...
Starting Up Your Company — Company Kickstart 30 Apr 2011 | 05:59 am
I’ve been involved in more startups than I care to admit, and a lot of people involved in active search engine optimization work for small to medium sized organizations (SMEs) as well. SEO is one of ...
Súťaž s Eurosportom 21 Oct 2009 | 03:02 am
Vyžrebovali sme výhercov minikvízu.
Cloud Computing and Why Home Office and SME’s Stand to Gain the Most From It 25 May 2010 | 03:10 am
Cloud Computing and Why Home Office and SME’s Stand to Gain the Most From It By Claire Hibbert ‘Cloud computing’ is the latest technology set to change the way home offices and small business owners r...
Website Design for Small and Medium Enterprises 25 May 2010 | 03:09 am
Website Design For Small Medium Enterprises (SME’s) By Anthony James Taylor Why do some small business owners still insist they don’t need a website? The evidence against this position is overwhelming...