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Power of sale in independent administrations 27 Aug 2011 | 03:42 am
(This is one of a series of posts about 2011 legislation.) Most well-drafted wills expressly give the independent executor the power to sell real property. However, some wills do not include a power ...
Nathan Birch – Why negative gearing property investment is no good the truth discussed 16 May 2012 | 02:31 am
Property Investment Expert – Nathan Birch talks about all the good things of Negative gearing, NOTHING! Watch and see a real property investors view on how you can build a multiple property portfolio....
Real estate valuation 23 Mar 2012 | 04:18 am
A real estate appraisal is also known as a real estate or property valuation and refers to the process of valuing real property. The value usually being determined is the market value of the property....
Real Property Gains Tax 13 Dec 2011 | 02:38 pm
In the 2012 national budget plan, the Malaysian government has announced the increase of the Real Property Gain Tax. This is among few announcements that captured the attention of the people. Let’s lo...
Real Properties for Sale 31 Jan 2011 | 06:29 am
Real Properties for Sale – Is this your next home? You are looking for your next home, it sounded fantastic in the listing, was within your price range, it’s in a decent location along with amenities...
Real property management, commercial property management, property management firms 20 Mar 2012 | 06:58 pm
Commercial real property management business, firms includes property management service and systems are helping you to select property as per investment budget.
Want To Get Or Offer Commercial Real property? Attempt This Terrific Assistance 29 Apr 2012 | 02:18 am
Choosing to get in the business of commercial real estate investment is a huge decision by having numerous feasible outcomes. You may have a bundle of questions, however this write-up is able to assis...
Foreign Notion – Can a Buyer be Liable for the Seller’s Income Tax? 15 May 2012 | 05:19 am
Contracts for the purchase or sale of real property in New York invariably include a provision that requires the seller to deliver a so-called “FIRPTA” affidavit to the purchaser at closing. Often ti...
Selling|Promoting} Your Magnolia Real Property Property? Right Here Are Some Suggestions 29 May 2012 | 02:50 pm
Actual Estate Property? Right here Are Some Suggestions Selling your Magnolia real estate property will not be a difficult determination for you in case you have bought it just for funding purposes. ...
Real Estate - Short Term and Long Term Investment 25 Sep 2011 | 12:28 am
Real Estate is a legal term related to a land or all the fixtures of land including building and other improvement. Real Estate is often called a real property, sometime called Realty. There are diffe...