Most nuovi album hip hop related news are at:

Mostra del cinema di Venezia 2013: gli ospiti del Festival tra star e personaggi dell'attualità 27 Aug 2013 | 07:30 pm
Domani la Mostra del Cinema di Venezia aprirà i battenti, i film ne saranno i protagonisti assoluti, poco spazio sarà lasciato ai divismi. Il direttore Alberto Barbera lo ha ripetuto in più occasion....
Ben Affleck è il nuovo Batman: dopo le critiche e le ironie, solidarietà all'attore 27 Aug 2013 | 05:55 pm
Sono i colleghi di Cineblog a fornire la più sensata difesa di Ben Affleck all'indomani delle reazioni spropositate seguite alla scelta dell'attore come prossimo interprete di Batman nel sequel di Man...
More nuovi album hip hop related news:
How I Sold 1000 CDs In 30 Days 19 Mar 2010 | 06:59 pm
Inti dari buku ini adalah trik-trik yang dilakukan oleh Pandji dalam memasarkan Album Hip Hop pertamanya. Dia mempelajari buku-buku marketing dan menyusunnya dalam 7 Bab : 1. FIND A NICHE inspired by...
Love The Way You Lie 6 Jul 2010 | 02:28 am
Álbum: Hip-Hop, Estilo: Recovery Video Tradução Just gonna stand there And watch me burn But that’s alright Because I like The way it hurts Just gonna stand there And hear me cry But that’s ...
Hip-Hop Blogs and YouTube Personalities That Might Review Your Hip-Hop Album 21 Aug 2013 | 06:00 pm
Hip-Hop album reviews provide a great way to extend the life of your album. As an Indie artist you have to work a tad harder to get your album reviewed. I put together a comprehensive list of hip-hop...
Hip-Hop Blogs and YouTube Personalities That Might Review Your Hip-Hop Album 21 Aug 2013 | 06:00 pm
Hip-Hop album reviews provide a great way to extend the life of your album. As an Indie artist you have to work a tad harder to get your album reviewed. I put together a comprehensive list of hip-hop...
Smitty Soul - Animal 25 Aug 2013 | 01:16 am
Smitty Soul - Animal (Official Music Video) from promomixtapes on Vimeo. Artist: Smitty Soul Song: "Animal" Director: Scott & Kevin McNamara Album: Hip Hop...It's a Hell of a Drug Label: Ryan & Smitt...
La clef de la cave 24 Feb 2012 | 08:57 am
Saké artiste indépendant dans le milieu hip hop depuis 1999, c'est avec le groupe Zakariens qu'il concrétise ses premiers projets, scènes, radios et clips. Le premier album des Zakariens « Avenir en s...
EPMD - We Mean Business 6 Dec 2008 | 02:14 am
Kód: Artist.......: EPMD ІЫ Title........: We Mean Business ° ° ЮЫ Label........: EP Records °Ы Release.Type.: Album ° ° Ы Genre........: Hip-Hop Ы Source.......: CDDA І Encoder......: LAME v3.97 -V ...
Jamp - Mai Tong Huang Chun 23 Dec 2008 | 02:12 am
Jamp - Mai Tong Huang Chun (DJ H2O Remix) แจมป์ - ไม่ต้องห่วงฉัน (Don't worry about me) a cover song from Loso album name is Hip Hop In Love Jamp is Thai girlband ex-member of Teen 8 grade A The mem...
Desi Rap | Hip Hop Music Zone 24 Apr 2012 | 02:38 pm
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Why Hip Hop needs a community news website like Hacker News 25 Apr 2012 | 04:45 am
It’s not unusual to read about hip hop artists spending thousands of dollars on strippers in one night, deleting their twitter accounts, twitter beef, reviews of whack albums or any other garbage news...