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Hardware- und Nachrichten-Links des 26. August 2013 26 Aug 2013 | 08:29 pm
Bei OCaholic hat man sich eingehend mit dem Benchmark-Bug von Windows 8 beschäftigt. Hierbei lassen sich Benchmark-Ergebnisse durch eine falsche Zeitnahme verfälschen, da Windows 8 nicht auf eine Hard...
Umfrage-Auswertung: Wie interessant sind extra Soundkarten noch? 26 Aug 2013 | 08:27 pm
Die Umfrage der letzten Woche ging dem Thema von extra Soundkarten nach und fragte hierzu, wie weit jene noch verbreitet und interessant seien. Im Gegensatz zum allgemeinen PC-Markt, wo Soundkarten se...
More nvidia inspector related news:
NVIDIA Inspector 1.95 – Tool 18 Feb 2011 | 09:50 am
Ein Tool zum Auslesen sämtlicher Informationen der Grafikkarte aus dem NVIDIA Treiber und zum Übertakten. Eigentlich sollte es nur ein Tool werden um noch detailliertere Dumps von NVIDIA Grafikkar...
NVIDIA Inspector 5 Jul 2013 | 06:00 pm
A tool for reading all the information from the NVIDIA graphics card drivers and overclocking. Actually, there should be only a tool to enable more detailed dumps of NVIDIA graphics cards to the GPU O...
Toshiba Thrive Review 19 Mar 2012 | 12:06 pm
The Toshiba Thrive is an affordable option for those interested in a powerful Android Tablet. With a good quality resolution, many different storage options and a powerful NVidia Tegra Dual Core proce...
Water Heater Inspection | Home Inspector Tips 7 Dec 2011 | 02:23 pm
Water Heater Inspection Guidelines The following water heater inspection guide covers 3 types of the most popular water heater installations: Gas, natural draft, tank water heaters utilizing galvaniz...
Review dan Spesifikasi HTC One X 24 Apr 2012 | 11:59 am
Review dan Spesifikasi HTC One X - Indonesia meluncurkan ponsel pintar HTC One X dengan prosesor quad core NVIDIA Tegra 3 Mobile 1.5 GHz Super 4-PLUS-1 yang merupakan pertama di kelasnya. HTC menghad...
Motorola’s Latest Smartphone Powerful Enough to turn into a Laptop 1 Apr 2011 | 05:57 am
Motorola launched its top model the Atrix 4G at the CES trade show in Las Vegas this January.The Atrix smartphone is one of the most impressive smartphones yet, with an Nvidia Tegra 2 processor, givin...
NVIDIA DVD Decoder 1.00.58 21 Jul 2008 | 04:00 pm
NVIDIA DVD Decoder 1.00.58 | 15 Mb NVIDIA PureVideo Decoder (NVIDIA DVD Decoder) delivers unmatched color fidelity and smooth DVD, video, and TV viewing NVIDIA PureVideo Decoder is a combination of ...
TRAIL OF THE PINK PANTHER 5 Aug 2011 | 01:22 am
TRAIL OF THE PINK PANTHER1982BLAKE EDWARDSSixth in Blake Edwards' Pink Panther series. The Pink Panther diamond is stolen once again from Lugash and the authorities call in Chief Inspector...
For Sale: ATI Radeon HD4650 23 Sep 2011 | 06:48 am
Practically brand new Sapphire ATI Radeon HD4650 video card. Used as my secondary card for my secondary displays this worked well even with my other Nvidia Card. I got a new card which moved my primar...
The ASUS EeeBox EB1501U Shows Itself 7 Mar 2010 | 04:34 am
If you’re into the EeeBox devices, check out this article on Engadget about the ASUS EeeBox EB1501U. Most notably, it will feature NVIDIA Ion and USB 3.0 ports. You can also catch a look at it’s lit...