Most nyc blog diva related news are at:

High Heel Shoe Planter Inspired Jersey Fresh 22 Aug 2013 | 11:41 pm
Shoes have Stepped into our lives … in more way than one! Before I describe my fun high heel shoe planter tutorial . . . something completely different; I’m talking New Jersey Farms … but there is a ...
Wicked Wheat: Why Gluten Intolerance is on the Rise 20 Aug 2013 | 07:16 pm
From the time we first learn about nutrition in elementary school, the idea of “grains” taking up the majority of space at the bottom of the food pyramid comes to mind. It’s primary protein, Gluten, i...
More nyc blog diva related news:
I won a giveaway! Sigma Hollywood Glamour Marilyn Kabuki 27 Jan 2011 | 02:11 pm
A few weeks ago I entered a giveaway Yolonda was having on her blog Diva In Deep Thought and I won! The prize was a Sigma Hollywood Glamour Marilyn Retractable Kabuki Brush. The metal casing is red a...
Welcome 6 Dec 2011 | 10:13 am
Welcome to the Health 2.0 NYC blog You have probably seen the very popular meetup group pages but this is the permanent online home for the group, a place just to talk about ideas. A little history:...
Three Blogging Divas Gain Notice 29 Mar 2008 | 02:41 am
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Information: DJ Nelson 248-438-8007 Three Blogging Divas Gain Notice All Diva Media Blogs Named in ‘Bloggers to Watch for Spring ‘08’ Washingto...
Sizzling Summer Giveaway ends August 20th 23 Jul 2012 | 01:32 pm
Welcome to the Sizzling Summer Giveaway! Giveaway is hosted by Jenn’s Blah Blah Blog & Diva Fabulosa! A HUGE thanks to our co-hosts: Bonkers 4 Coupons, Luv Saving Money, Sister’s Saving Cents, Dishi...
Book Review Of “Highland Master” by Amanda Scott 6 Jul 2013 | 08:14 am
Kate, The Blog Diva’s Book Review Of “Highland Master” 4 Stars Out of 5 Fin of the Battles and Lady Catriona are two unlikely lovers. Fin is a “Cameron” and Catriona is a “Mackintosh.” Both families...
My Advice For a Chick Frustrated With Fast Sex 16 Sep 2011 | 03:54 am
I found Juliet Jeske’s post, Dating After Divorce In a City of Sluts, via the Evan Marc Katz blog. Jeske is a divorced comedian and artist in New York City. She’s starting over in the NYC dating scene...
7 Ways To Save Money On LSAT Prep 1 Feb 2009 | 09:46 am
In this guest post, Steve Schwartz, a professional LSAT tutor in NYC and blogger at LSAT Blog, gives 7 tips on how you can save money as you prepare for the LSAT. 1. Download free LSAT PrepTests from...
Diva Craft Lounge loves BAM POP! 6 Mar 2008 | 05:14 pm
today we were on the radio show Diva Craft Radio. yay! read about it on our hot new blog ^__^
NYC summary + pretty dresses. 4 Apr 2012 | 02:00 pm
Hi Ladies and Gents, So, to reconvene this little blogging expedition I thought it would be fun to start afresh with a photo shoot. Hoping that the year 2012 has welcomed you in a friendly manner...
Challenge 2! 9 Feb 2011 | 03:00 am
I cannot believe we are already through our first week at Die Cuttin' Diva's! We are so thrilled with the response we have had to the challenge blog and with all the creations that have been entered ...